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Downloading and Printing Checkout History

You can download or print a copy of the currently displayed Checkout History for your account. When downloading Checkout History, files are saved in Microsoft Excel format.

To download Checkout History:

  1. Select Your Items – Checkout History from the Your Account menu (see Using Your Account for details).
    • The Checkout History screen displays. The screen initially shows a listing of all items checked out to your account for the prior one-month period.
  2. If desired, specify the period for which you wish to download Checkout History (see Viewing Checkout History for details).
  3. Click the Download button.
    • A File Download dialog displays.
  4. Use the standard procedures for your browser to save the file to the desired location.

    NOTE: Depending on your browser, a status dialog may display while the file is being downloaded. When the file has been downloaded, a "Download Complete" message displays. Click the Close button to close the status dialog.

  5. To exit the Checkout History screen, select another option from the Your Account menu, or, click the Home button Home button in the screen header to return to your library’s “Home” page.

To print Circulation History:

  1. Select Your Transactions – Checkout History from the Your Account menu (see Using Your Account for details).
    • The Checkout History screen displays. The screen initially shows a listing of all items checked out to your account for the current calendar year.
  2. If desired, specify the period for which you wish to download Checkout History (see Viewing Checkout History for details).
  3. Click the Print button.
    • A formatted version of Checkout History displays in an additional browser window, and a standard Print dialog displays.
  4. Make the desired selections on the Print dialog, then click the OK or Print button, as applicable. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the print request.)
  5. To exit the Checkout History screen, select another option from the Your Account menu, or, click the Home button Home button in the screen header to return to your library’s “Home” page.