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Chapter 2. REPORTS



Net Activity

Purpose: Provides a statistical breakdown of lending and borrowing requests that have been processed during the selected period. The report provides insight into the relative balancing between lending and borrowing activities.

Report Parameters:

ILL Statistics – Net Activity Screen

ILL Statistics – Net Activity Screen

To view the ILL Statistics – Net Activity Report:

Report data is displayed as a “bar” graph, and includes a textual summary of statistics.

ILL Statistics - Net Activity Graph

ILL Statistics - Net Activity Graph

The report summary is comprised of two tables.

ILL Statistics - Net Activity Summary

ILL Statistics - Net Activity Summary

  • The Request Type to which statistics apply (Loan, Copy or Reference)
  • The number of Lending requests processed for each Request Type
  • The number of Borrowing requests processed for each Request Type
  • The Net Requests (calculated as Lending minus Borrowing) between the selected Library and Location and all trading partners combined for each Request Type. A Net Requests value of “0” indicates an equal number of borrowing and lending transactions have occurred between the selected Library and Location and all trading partners. A negative value indicates a deficit of lending transactions to all trading partners by the selected Library and Location; a positive value indicates a surplus of lending transactions to all trading partners by the selected Library and Location.
  • The Relative Percentage (calculated as Lending divided by Borrowing) of ILL requests processed by the selected Library and Location for each Request Type