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Active Users, Users Reports

Activity and Request Reports

Activity and Request Reports (Customer SuperUser)


Batch Status Update

Beginning a New Calendar Year

Bib Activity Report

Bibliographic Statistics

Borrower Reports, Generating

The Borrower Days to Receive Report

The Borrower Record Counts Report

The Borrower Statistics Report

Borrower Reports, Generating (Customer SuperUser)

The Borrower Days to Receive Report (Customer SuperUser)

The Borrower Record Counts Report (Customer SuperUser)

The Borrower Statistics Report (Customer SuperUser)

Borrowing Activity

Borrowing Statistics, ILL Statistics

Branch Statistics, Viewing

By Collection Type, Circulation Reports

By Day and Hour, Circulation Reports

By Material Type, Circulation Reports

By Patron Group, Circulation Reports

By User Type, Circulation Reports


Circulation Reports

By Collection Type

By Day and Hour

By Material Type

By Patron Group

By User Type

Holds Statistics

Top Circulated Titles

Transactions by Home Library

Transaction by Owning Library

Collection Development, Collection Reports

Collection Statistics, Viewing

Collections Reports

Bibliographic Statistics

Collection Development

Database Statistics by Collection Type

Database Statistics by Item Exception (Status)

Database Statistics by Material Type

Weeding Report

Weeding by Collection Type

Zero Circulation Purchasing by Collection Type

Zero Circulation Purchasing by Material Type

CONTU Copyright Tracking Reports

Beginning a New Calendar Year

Statistics Logging

Customer SuperUser - Overview


Daily Transaction Log, Viewing

Database Field Stats

Emailing the Database Field Stats Report

Saving the Database Field Stats Report

Database Field Stats (Customer SuperUser)

Database Index Stats

Emailing the Database Index Stats Report

Saving the Database Index Stats Report

Viewing the Database Index Stats Report

Database Statistics by Collection Type, Collections Reports

Database Statistics by Item Exception (Status), Collections Reports

Database Statistics by Material Type, Collections Reports

Days to Receive Report, Borrower

Days to Receive Report, Borrower (Customer SuperUser)

Days to Supply Report, Lender

Days to Supply Report, Lender (Customer SuperUser)

Downloading Graphical Statistics Reports

Downloading Reports

Downloading Reports and Records

Lender Response Records

Request Records

Downloading Statistics Reports

Downloading the Summary Report


Emailing Item Exceptions Statistics

Emailing Location Collection Statistics

Emailing Material Type Statistics

Emailing the Database Field Stats Report

Emailing the Database Index Stats Report

Emailing the System Activities Report

Exporting Participant Records

Exporting Participant Records (Customer SuperUser)


Favorite Reports, Managing
Fill Rate Statistics

Fine Activity Report

Fines Reports

Fines Summary

Floating Items Add

Floating Items Material Type

Floating Items Remove


Generating Borrower Reports

The Borrower Days to Receive Report

The Borrower Record Counts Report

The Borrower Statistics Report

Generating Borrower Reports (Customer SuperUser)

The Borrower Days to Receive Report (Customer SuperUser)

The Borrower Record Counts Report (Customer SuperUser)

The Borrower Statistics Report (Customer SuperUser)

Generating Lender Reports

The Lender Days to Supply Report

The Lender Record Counts Report

The Lender Statistics Report

Generating Lender Reports (Customer SuperUser)

The Lender Days to Supply Report (Customer SuperUser)

The Lender Record Counts Report (Customer SuperUser)

The Lender Statistics Report (Customer SuperUser)

Graphical Statistics Report

Downloading Graphical Statistics Reports

Requesting a Graphical Statistics Report

Understanding Graphical Statistics Report Parameters

Viewing Graphical Statistics Reports

Graphical Statistics Report (Customer SuperUser)

Requesting a Graphical Statistics Report


Holds Statistics, Circulation Reports


ILL Statistics

Borrowing Statistics

Fill Rate Statistics

Lending Statistics

Net Activity

Top Requested Titles

ILL Statistics - Overview

In Transit Items Report

Intra-Library Report

Introduction - Overview

Item Activity Report

Item Category Report

Item Exception Statistics

Emailing Item Exceptions Statistics

Printing Item Exceptions Statistics

Saving Item Exceptions Statistics

Item Exceptions List, Viewing

Item Exceptions Report

Viewing an Item Exceptions List

Item Location Detail Report

Item Location Summary Report

Item Material Type Report




Lender Reports, Generating

The Lender Days to Supply Report

The Lender Record Counts Report

The Lender Statistics Report

Lender Reports, Generating (Customer SuperUser)

The Lender Days to Supply Report (Customer SuperUser)

The Lender Record Counts Report (Customer SuperUser)

The Lender Statistics Report (Customer SuperUser)

Lender Response Records

Lending Activity

Lending Statistics, ILL Statistics

Library Defined Patron Stats Report

Library Statistics, Viewing

Locations Collections

Emailing Statistics

Printing Statistics

Saving Statistics

Viewing Branch Statistics

Viewing Collection Statistics

Viewing Library Statistics


Managing Favorite Reports
Material Types

Emailing Material Type Statistics

Printing Material Type Statistics

Saving Material Type Statistics


Net Activity

Net Activity, ILL Statistics

New Calendar Year, Beginning a

New Registered Users, Users Reports


Optional Features

Organization of the User Guide


Customer SuperUser

ILL Statistics



    Submitting Report Requests

    Managing Favorite Reports
    Searching the Reports Menu

Viewing Circulation Statistics

Viewing Database Statistics

Viewing Patron Statistics


Participant Records, Exporting

Participant Records, Exporting (Customer SuperUser)

Patron Activity Report

Patron Categories

Patron Category Report

Patron Group Report

Patron Groups

Patron Lookup Report

Patron Statistics, Saving

Printing Item Exceptions Statistics

Printing Location Collection Statistics

Printing Material Type Statistics



Record Counts Report, Borrower

Record Counts Report, Borrower (Customer SuperUser)

Record Counts Report, Lender

Record Counts Report, Lender (Customer SuperUser)

Report Requests, Submitting

Reports - Overview

Managing Favorite Reports
Searching the Reports Menu

Submitting Report Requests

Reports, Downloading

Reports, Managing Favorite
Reports and Records, Downloading

Lender Response Records

Request Records

Reports Menu, Searching

Request Records

Requesting a Graphical Statistics Report

Requesting a Graphical Statistics Report (Customer SuperUser)

Requesting a Statistics Report

Requesting a Statistics Report (Customer SuperUser)

Requesting Statistics Reports


Saved Reports, Working with

Saving Circulation Statistics Reports

Saving Item Exceptions Statistics

Saving Location Collection Statistics

Saving Material Type Statistics

Saving Patron Statistics

Saving the Database Field Stats Report

Saving the Database Index Stats Report

Saving the System Activities Report

Searches with Zero Results

Searching the Reports Menu

Staff Login Activity Report

Statistics Logging

Statistics Menu

Statistics Report

Downloading Statistics Reports

Requesting a Daily Transaction Log

Requesting a Statistics Report

Understanding Statistics Report Parameters

Viewing Statistics Reports

Viewing the Daily Transaction Log

Working with Saved Reports

Statistics Report (Customer SuperUser)

Requesting a Statistics Report

Statistics Report, Borrower

Statistics Report, Borrower (Customer SuperUser)

Statistics Report, Lender

Statistics Report, Lender (Customer SuperUser)

Statistics Report, Requesting

Statistics Report Parameters, Understanding

Statistics Reports, Downloading

Statistics Reports, Requesting

Statistics Reports, Viewing

Bib Activity Report

Fine Activity Report

Floating Items Add

Floating Items Material Type

Floating Items Remove

In Transit Items Report

Intra-Library Report

Item Activity Report

Item Category Report

Item Location Detail Report

Item Location Summary Report

Item Material Type Report

Library Defined Patron Stats Report

Patron Activity Report

Patron Category Report

Patron Group Report

Saving Circulation Statistics Reports

Statistics Reports, Viewing

Stayed Too Long Report

Submitting Report Requests

Summary Report

Downloading the Summary Report

Viewing the Summary Report

System Activities

Emailing the System Activities Report

Saving the System Activities Report

Viewing System Activity Statistics

System Activities (Customer SuperUser)


Top Circulated Titles, Circulation Reports

Top Requested Titles, ILL Statistics

Tracking Reports, CONTU Copyright

Beginning a New Calendar Year

Statistics Logging

Transactions by Home Library, Circulation Reports

Transaction by Owning Library, Circulation Reports


Understanding Graphical Statistics Report Parameters

Understanding Statistics Report Parameters

User Status Report, Users Reports

Users Reports

Active Users

New Registered Users

User Status Report


Viewing an Item Exceptions List

Viewing Branch Statistics

Viewing Circulation Statistics - Overview

Viewing Collection Statistics

Viewing Database Statistics - Overview

Viewing Graphical Statistics Reports

Viewing Library Statistics

Viewing Patron Statistics - Overview

Viewing Reports “On Screen”

Borrowing Activity

Lending Activity

Net Activity

Viewing Statistics Reports

Bib Activity Report

Fine Activity Report

Floating Items Add

Floating Items Material Type

Floating Items Remove

In Transit Items Report

Intra-Library Report

Item Activity Report

Item Category Report

Item Location Detail Report

Item Location Summary Report

Item Material Type Report

Library Defined Patron Stats Report

Patron Activity Report

Patron Category Report

Patron Group Report

Saving Circulation Statistics Reports

Viewing Statistics Reports

Viewing System Activity Statistics

Viewing the Daily Transaction Log

Viewing the Database Index Stats Report

Viewing the Summary Report


Weeding by Collection Type, Collection Reports

Weeding Report, Collections Reports

Working with Saved Reports




Zero Circulation Purchasing by Collection Type, Collection Reports

Zero Circulation Purchasing by Material Type, Collections Reports