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Cloning Staff Permissions

The Clone Staff Permissions checkbox on the Add a User Account screen lets you copy the staff modes and specific permissions from an existing staff user to a new staff user.

To clone staff permissions:

  1. From the User Admin menu, select Add a User.
    • The Add a User Account screen displays. The Library field shows the library code for the library to which the new user account will be added.

Add a User Account Screen

Add a User Account Screen

  1. Select the User Type – Staff radio button.
  2. Select the Clone Staff Permissions checkbox. Leave all other User Type checkboxes unselected.
  3. Complete the remaining form fields as described in steps 3 through 28 for “Adding a User” (see Adding a User for details).
  4. When all desired information for the user has been entered, click the Submit button to add the user to your library’s database.

    NOTE: If you did not include an Expiration Date for the user, an advisory dialog displays the message “No Expiration date was entered” when you submit the record. Click the OK button. You will need to edit the user record if you wish to add an Expiration Date (see Editing User Accounts for details).

    • The Select User to Clone screen displays.

Select User to Clone Screen

Select User to Clone Screen

  1. Enter the desired search criteria:
    • To limit the list to only those users associated with a specific user group, select the desired user group from the User’s Type menu, then click the Submit button.
      • Select All to display users for all user groups.
      • Select the desired staff mode (PAC Admin, ILL Admin, etc.) to display users for the associated mode.
    • To locate a specific user by barcode or name, enter the user’s barcode or last name in the User Barcode or Last Name text box. To view a list of all users associated with the currently specified User’s Type, leave the User Barcode or Last Name text box blank.

      NOTE: When searching by a user’s name, you may enter a complete or partial last name.

  2. Click the Submit button to submit your search of the user database.
    • The screen refreshes to display the User Account List. The User Account List shows a listing of all users that match your search criteria.
    • Use the Prev and Next links to view other pages of the list.

      NOTE: The Prev and Next links are active only if the User Account List contains more than 20 users.

  3. Click the User Name link for the desired user.
    • The message “Staff permissions from (user to clone) have been applied to (new user)” displays. If desired, you may:

      NOTE: User Photos functionality is optional, and may not be enabled for all systems.

  4. Click the Close button to close the message.