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Modifying ILL Permissions

When you add a new user and assign ILL Staff permissions (see Adding a User for details), or when you click the ILL Permissions link on the Edit User Accounts screen (see Editing User Accounts for details), the ILL Permissions screen displays. The ILL Permissions screen shows the ILL permissions currently granted to the user. You may grant or deny additional permissions as desired.

ILL Permissions Screen

ILL Permissions Screen

NOTE: The ILL Permissions function is available only for libraries that have enabled the optional Circ-ILL functionality.

To modify ILL permissions:

Permission Definition
Approve a request Allows the user to process requests while in Awaiting Approval status for electronic submission to lenders.
Automatic approval Automatically sends requests to the first lender when the user submits an ILL request using the system’s Interlibrary Loan functions or the Blank Request Form.
Cancel/Change request Allows the user to cancel a request made as a Borrower, or to update fields on a request made as a Borrower.
Change own library Allows the user to update the participant record for their own library; allows the user to access the Reports and Download feature for their own library. This permission should be reserved for System or Library Administrators only.
Change Pickup Location Allows the user to change the Pickup Location for items received as a borrower through Interlibrary Loan. This permission is not applicable to systems employing Network Lender functionality.
Undo Request Statuses Allows the user to return the status of a request to its most recent prior state. This permission is optional and may not be available for all libraries.
Originate borrow requests Allows the user to create and submit borrow requests using the system’s Interlibrary Loan functions or the Blank Request Form.
Originate copy requests Allows the user to create and submit photocopy requests using the system’s Interlibrary Loan functions or the Blank Request Form.
Patron request tracking Allows the user to view the status of their own ILL requests.
Respond to request Allows the user to process ILL requests.
View own request This permission is obsolete.
Edit locally owned handling method Allows the user to edit the handling method for ILL requests for locally owned items.