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Printing Search Results

You can print a copy of the currently displayed page of search results.

NOTE: The Print function is optional and may not be configured for all systems.

To print search results:

  1. Perform a Quick Search or Advanced Search to display the Brief Browse List you wish to print.
  2. If desired, use the navigation bar at the bottom of the list to scroll to the page you wish to print (see Using Continuous Brief Browse (CBB) for details).
  3. Click the Print Search Results button Print Search Results Icon.
    • The Print Search Results dialog displays the current page of search results.

Print Search Results Dialog

Print Search Results Dialog

NOTE: Only the currently displayed page of search results is formatted for printing. To print the entire list, you must submit a separate print request for each page of the list.

  1. If desired, select a sort order for the formatted search results from the sort order menu; Page Order, Title, Author, Location or Call Number.
    • The default sort order selection is Page Order.
  2. Click the Print button.
    • A formatted version of the current page of the search results screen displays in an additional browser window, followed by a standard Print dialog.
  3. Make the appropriate selection on the Print dialog, then click the OK or Print button, as applicable. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the print request.)
  4. Close the formatted search results, then click outside the Print Search Results dialog to return to the previous Brief Browse List. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to print additional pages of the current search results.