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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Combining Records

You can use AGCat to combine multiple similar records into a single record. Records are combined by copying (or cutting) HLD tags from similar records, pasting the copied tags into a “master” record, and deleting the obsolete records from the database.

To combine two or more records:

  1. Open the records you wish to combine for editing in AGCat (see Editing Existing Records for details).
  2. Determine the record you wish to use as the “master” record (the record into which all other open records will be combined).
  3. Access one of the records to be combined into the “master” record, and select Cut all HLD or Copy all HLD option from the Edit menu.
  4. Access the “master” record and select Paste all HLD from the Edit menu to paste the copied HLD tags into the “master” record.
  5. Repeats steps 3 and 4 for the remaining records you wish to combine into the “master” record.
  6. Once the holdings from all records to be combined have been added to the “master” record, save the “master” record to the database (see Saving Records for details). Close the “master” record.
  7. Delete the obsolete (combined) records from the database (see Deleting Records for details).