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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Saving Records

Once you have created a new record, or finalized changes to an existing record, you must save the record. Records may be saved to your library or consortium database, to the Download Cart for your user account or to a records file on your local workstation. If you are performing extensive record editing, it is advisable to save your work periodically. AGCat provides several methods for saving your work, depending on the current state of the record you are editing.

To save a record while editing:

To save a record to the database:

Upload Status Message Definitions



Upload Completed

The edited record, containing changes to holdings (locations), or containing changes to bibliographic content and holdings (locations) was successfully uploaded to the union database.

New record upload completed. AGControlID: (new AGCN)

The new record was successfully uploaded to the union database.

Upload of Bib data completed. No changes for HLD.

The edited record, containing changes to bibliographic content only, was successfully uploaded to the union database.

The changes to the record do not require uploading based on your upload permissions.

Your current upload permissions (see About Cataloging Permissions for details) do not allow you to upload your current changes (to bibliographic content and/or holdings). The record is not uploaded to the union database.

Upload does not allow new record without holdings.

The new record does not contain any <HLD> tags (new records added to the union database must contain at least one <HLD> tag). The record is not uploaded to the union database.

Upload does not allow new record without holdings. No <HLD> allows to upload based on your upload permissions

Your current upload permissions (see About Cataloging Permissions for details) do not allow you to upload holdings data for any libraries contained in the new record. The record is not uploaded to the union database.

<HLD> invalid library code: (library code)

The new or edited record includes a <HLD> tag with an invalid library code. The record is not uploaded to the union database. You may edit or delete the invalid <HLD> tag and retry the Save to Database operation.

Upload completed. Database is locked. Record will be updated when the database is available.

The union database is currently "locked", and is unavailable for updating. The edited record is saved to an upload queue, and the database will be uploaded when it is available.

Upload completed. Database is locked. Record will be updated when the database is available. AGControlID is not available.

The union database is currently "locked", and is unavailable for updating. The edited record is saved to an upload queue, and the database will be updated when it is available. The AGCN will be assigned to the record when the database is updated.

To save a record to the Download Cart:

To save a record to the database and the Download Cart:

To save a record to a local workstation or network drive:

When saving a record to a local hard drive, you may choose to save the record as a single record file, or to append the record to an existing file containing multiple records.

To save a record when closing:

  1. Select Close from the File menu, or, click the Close icon Close icon in the upper right-hand corner of the currently active record window.
    • A Close confirmation dialog displays the message "(record) has been modified. Please choose one of the following buttons."

Close Confirmation Dialog

Close Confirmation Dialog

  1. Select the desired option to save the record:
    • Quick Save - Saves your changes to the temporary workspace and closes the active record.
    • Save to Database - Saves the edited record to your library or consortium database and closes the active record.
    • Save to Cart - Saves the edited record to the Download Cart for your user account and closes the active record.
    • Close Without Saving - Closes the active record without saving your changes.
    • Save to Db & Cart - Saves the edited record to your library or consortium database and to the Download Cart for your user account, and closes the active record.
    • Cancel - Cancels the close command and returns to the active record.