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Chapter 3. USING AGCat



Creating New Records

AGCat readily accommodates the creation of original bibliographic records. Several cataloging workforms are provided that can be used as templates to create new records. The default workforms can be customized (see Modifying Workforms for details) to provide more detail and include local tag information as appropriate for your library.

NOTE: You can also invoke AGCat for the creation of new records from within RESEARCHit, SHAREit or VERSO (see the RESEARCHit CAT Administration User Guide or VERSO CAT Administration User Guide  for details).

To create a new bibliographic record:

  1. Open AGCat (see Starting AGCat for details).
  2. Select New input from the File menu, or click the New Record button New Record button in the Toolbar.
    • The New Input dialog displays.

New Input Dialog

New Input Dialog

  1. Highlight the name of the workform you wish to use to create the new record in the list shown, then click the OK button to open the selected workform. (Click the Cancel button to cancel your selection and close the New Input dialog without opening a workform.)
    • The selected workform displays in an Editor window.
  2. Use the Edit and Insert menu commands and/or Toolbar buttons to add or delete fields, indicators and subfields, as desired (see Working with Fields and Subfields for details).
  3. Enter text to create original cataloging as desired (see Navigating and Typing and Copying, Moving, Deleting and Restoring Text for details).

    NOTE: Use the Quick Save function frequently while editing a record to avoid data loss (see Saving Records for details).

  4. When you are finished creating the new record, you may save it to your library’s union database, to the Download Cart for your user account, or to a local or network drive (see Saving Records for details).