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The Application Window

AGCat is a Windows™ application that runs in its own application window.

The major functional areas of the Application Window are:

AGCat Application Window

AGCat Application Window

Menu Bar - The Menu Bar groups all AGCat commands into seven different menus: File, Edit, Insert, View, Tools, Window and Help. Click on a menu to display a list of available commands, then click the desired command to execute the associated operation.

Toolbar - The Toolbar contains buttons for frequently accessed AGCat commands. Simply click a button to execute the associated operation.

Application Window - The Application Window is the window in which AGCat operates. All Editor Windows display within the Application Window.

Editor Window - The window within which records are displayed. When the Edit Bib Record option is selected from a Full Record Display (see the RESEARCHit CAT Administration User Guide or VERSO CAT Administration User Guide for more information), the associated record is automatically opened in the Editor Window. Multiple Editor Windows may be open simultaneously, but only one record can be active at any given time.

Status Bar - When the cursor is positioned over a menu option or Toolbar button, the Status Bar displays information about the command or function. Additionally, five indicator boxes on the right-hand side of the Status Bar provide information related to your AGCat permissions, the library under which you logged in, and the current keyboard mode: