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Guest ILL Tracking

If you access the system as a guest, you can check the status of your ILL request(s) using the Guest ILL Tracking function.

NOTE: If you have submitted ILL requests at more than one library using the same name and password, only those requests submitted at the library under which you are currently logged in are shown on the Guest ILL Tracking panel.

If you access the system as an authenticated patron, you can check the status of your ILL request(s) using the Items from Other Libraries function available through Your Account (see ILL Request Tracking for details). You must be logged into the system to access Your Account.

To access Guest ILL Tracking:

  1. Click the Guest ILL Tracking icon Guest Ill Tracking Icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
    • The Guest Tracking panel displays.

Guest Tracking Panel

Guest Tracking Panel

  1. Enter the name and password you used when submitting your request(s) in the Name (Last, First) and Password text boxes.
  2. Click the Submit button to submit your ILL tracking request.
    • The panel refreshes to display the active ILL requests associated with your name and password.

ILL Request List

ILL Request List

NOTE: If there are no requests associated with your name and password, the message “You have submitted 0 request” displays.

  1. To view your active ILL requests:
    • Use the scroll bar to scroll through the display.
    • If your library has established ILL Request Limits, the panel shows the number of requests you have submitted during the current time period, and the number of additional requests you can submit during the time period (see ILL Request Limits for details).
    • For summaries which contain more than one request, requests are listed in alphabetic order by Title, with a separate entry shown for each request.
    • The Request Details section shows the request ID number, the Date on which the request was placed and the Need By date for the requested item. The Pickup Location field shows the library location where you can pick up the requested item when it has been received by your library.
      • For items provided in digital format (such as when filling a Non-Returnable (copy) request), an Electronic Attachment link is shown. Click the Electronic Attachment link to download the files, as described below.
    • The Item Details section shows the Title, Author and Pub Year (year of publication) for the requested item. The Status field shows the current status of the request.
  2. Click the Back link to return to the Guest Tracking panel and view ILL requests for another name and password combination, or, click outside the ILL request list to close the list.

To download file attachments using Guest ILL Tracking:

NOTE: If your library has downloaded the files for you, the message “Viewed” is shown in the Download field of the Uploaded Files screen. See your librarian for more information.

  1. From the Guest Tracking panel, click the Electronic Attachment link.
    • The Uploaded Files screen displays in an additional browser window. The screen shows a listing of all file attachments for the associated ILL request.

Uploaded Files Screen

Uploaded Files Screen

  1. Click the Download link for the file attachment you wish to download.

    NOTE: Once you have downloaded the file the allowed number of times or the final date on which the file can be downloaded has passed, the Download link is replaced with the message “Viewed,” and you can no longer download the file from the Guest Tracking panel.

    • A “Copyright Confirmation” message displays. You must acknowledge (accept) the Copyright Statement before downloading the file.
  2. Click the OK button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to accept the Copyright Statement and continue with the download. (Click the Cancel button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to cancel the download.)
    • A standard File Download dialog displays.
  3. Navigate to the location in which you wish to save the file.
  4. If desired, edit the File name for the file. Be sure to retain the existing file type extension (such as .pdf or .doc), or you may not be able to open the file after downloading.
  5. Click the Save button to download the file.
    • The File Download dialog closes automatically, and the file attachment is saved to the specified location.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to download additional file attachments.
  7. View the downloaded file(s) using an application capable of opening the file type (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader for .pdf files, or Microsoft Word for .doc and .docx files).

To download file attachments from an Interlibrary Loan Item Notice email:

NOTE: If your library has downloaded the files for you, the message “Viewed” is shown in the Download field of the Uploaded Files screen. See your librarian for more information.

  1. From an Interlibrary Loan Item Notice email, click the Your article can be accessed here link.
    • The Uploaded Files screen displays in an additional browser window or tab. The screen shows a listing of all file attachments for the associated ILL request.

Uploaded Files Screen

Uploaded Files Screen

  1. Click the Download link for the file attachment you wish to download.

NOTE: Once you have downloaded the file the allowed number of times or the final date on which the file can be downloaded has passed, the Download link is replaced with the message “Viewed,” and you can no longer download the file from the Interlibrary Loan Item Notice email.

  1. Click the OK button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to accept the Copyright Statement and continue with the download. (Click the Cancel button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to cancel the download.)
    • A standard File Download dialog displays.
  2. Navigate to the location in which you wish to save the file.
  3. If desired, edit the File name for the file. Be sure to retain the existing file type extension (such as .pdf or .doc), or you may not be able to open the file after downloading.
  4. Click the Save button to download the file.
    • The File Download dialog closes automatically, and the file attachment is saved to the specified location.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to download additional file attachments.
  6. View the downloaded file(s) using an application capable of opening the file type (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader for .pdf files, or Microsoft Word for .doc and .docx files).