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Lender Response Records

The Lender Response Records file contains a separate entry for each request received by the selected library(ies) as a lender for the selected report period. Each entry is comprised of the following data fields:

Lender Response Records Data Fields

Data Field


Borrower’s Consortium

The consortium with which the borrowing institution is associated.

Borrower Code

The library code assigned to the borrower.

Borrower Name

The full name of the borrowing institution.

Supplier’s Consortium

The consortium with which the supplying institution is associated. If the request was unfilled, this field contains the word “none”.

Supplier Code

The three- or four-character code assigned to the lending institution that received the request.

Supplier Name

The full name of the lending institution.

Request ID

The unique system-assigned request number.


The title of the requested item.

Author The author of the requested item.
Pub. Date The publication date of the requested item.

Material Bib Level

The material bib level (book, computer file, music, etc.) of the requested item.

Call Number

The call number of the requested item. If a call number was not supplied with the request, this field contains the word “Unknown”.

Request Type

The type of request, either Loan or Copy.


The response provided to the request by the associated lender.

Will Not Supply Reason

The reason the supplier did not fill the request (shown when Disposition is Will Not Supply; shows “N/A” for all other Disposition values)

History Date

The date and time of the last change in status for the associated request.