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Request Records

The Request Records file contains a separate entry for each request submitted by the selected library(ies) as a borrower for the selected report period. Each entry is comprised of the following data fields:

Request Records Data Fields

Data Field


Borrower’s Consortium

The consortium with which the borrowing institution is associated.

Borrower Code

The library code assigned to the borrower.

Borrower Name

The full name of the borrowing institution.

Supplier’s Consortium

The consortium with which the supplying institution is associated. If the request was unfilled, this field contains the word “none”.

Supplier Code

The library code assigned to the lending institution to whom the request was submitted. If the request was unfilled, this field contains the word “none”.

Supplier Name

The full name of the lending institution.

Request ID

The unique system-assigned request number.


The title of the requested item.


The author of the requested item.

Pub. Date

The publication date of the requested item.

Material Bib Level

The material bib level (book, computer file, music, etc.) of the requested item.

Origination Date

The date on which the request was originally prepared and submitted.

Created By

The “type” of user that created the request; either Staff or Patron.

Created By Username

The username of the user that created the request.

Pickup Location

The Pickup Location specified in the ILL request.

Patron’s Name

The name of the library patron who created the request (for patron created requests) or the name of the library patron for whom the request was created (for staff created requests). (If your library has enabled the “Suppress Patron Information in Request Record Downloads” option, this field is not included in the Request Records file.)


The patron ID of the library patron who created the request (for patron created requests) or the patron ID of the library patron for whom the request was created (for staff created requests). (If your library has enabled the “Suppress Patron Information in Request Record Downloads” option, this field is not included in the Request Records file.)

Request Type

The type of request, ether Loan or Copy.

Article Title

The title of the requested article (used only on serial or copy requests).

Article Author

The author of the requested article (used only on serial and copy requests).

Serial Issue

The issue number of the requested serial (used only on serial and copy requests).


The volume number of the requested serial (used only on serial and copy requests).

Serial Issue Date

The publication date of the requested serial issue (used only on serial and copy requests).


The desired pages of the requested title or serial (used only on serial and copy requests).

Copyright Compliance Code

The copyright compliance code (either ccl or ccg) assigned to the associated request.

Final Disposition

The status of the associated request at the time the Request Records were downloaded.

History Date

The date and time of the last change in status for the associated request.

Lenders Tried Count

The number of lenders to whom the associated request had been submitted at the time the Request Records were downloaded.