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Adding or Editing Sub-Accounts

The Add Sub-accounts field on the Vendor Management screen lets you create one or more sub-accounts for a vendor.

To add a new sub-account:

  1. Access the Vendor Management screen for the desired vendor (see Vendor Maintenance for details), then click the Add SubAccount link in the Add Sub-accounts field.
    • The Vendor Sub-Account Add/Edit screen displays in an additional browser window.

Vendor Sub-Account Add/Edit Screen

Vendor Sub-Account Add/Edit Screen

  1. Enter the name and account number for the sub-account in the Sub Account Name and Sub Account Number text boxes, respectively.
  2. Use the Active checkbox to enable or disable use of the sub-account within the Acquisitions module.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the sub-account is active.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the sub-account is not active.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.
  3. Click the Submit button to create the sub-account.
    • The Vendor Sub-Account Add/Edit screen closes automatically, and the Vendor Management screen refreshes to display your changes.

To edit an existing sub-account:

  1. Access the Vendor Management screen for the desired vendor (see Vendor Maintenance for details), then click the desired Sub-Account Name link in the Vendor Sub-Accounts list.
    • The Vendor Sub-Account Add/Edit screen displays in an additional browser window.
    • The screen is pre-filled with the current values for the sub-account.
  2. Edit the Sub Account Name, Sub Account Number and Active status, as desired.
  3. When all desired information has been edited, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The Vendor Sub-Account Add/Edit screen closes automatically, and the Vendor Management screen refreshes to display your changes.