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Vendor Management

The Vendor Management screen displays when you select to add or edit a vendor from the Vendor Lookup screen (see Vendor Maintenance for details). The Vendor Management screen lets you create and maintain a record of necessary reference information for each vendor from which you will acquire materials through the Acquisitions module.

To add or edit vendor information:

Vendor Management Screen

Vendor Management Screen

  1. Enter the name of the vendor in the Vendor Name text box.

    NOTE: The Vendor Name is mandatory. All other fields are optional.

  2. Use the Active checkbox to enable or disable selection of the vendor during ordering (see Placing Orders for details) or selection list title management (see Chapter 4, Selection Lists for details).
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the vendor is active (can be selected during ordering or selection list title management.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the vendor is not active (cannot be selected during ordering or selection list title management.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.
  3. If appropriate, enter alternate names for the vendor in the Alternate Name 1 and Alternate Name 2 text boxes.
  4. Enter other identifying information for the vendor in the Tax ID number, Local Vendor No and/or SAN (Standard Address Number) text boxes.
  5. Enter the Order Address (physical address to which order are submitted) and Payment Address (physical address to which payments are made) for the vendor using the associated Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip and Country text boxes, as appropriate.
  6. Enter Contacts information for the vendor’s Sales Rep, Service department and Payments processing using the associated Name, Email, Phone and Fax text boxes, as appropriate.
  7. Enter the email addresses to which order letters, claim notices and cancellation requests should be submitted in the Order Email and Claim/Cancel Email text boxes.
  8. Enter the vendor’s account and customer numbers in the Library Vendor Acct No and Library Vendor Cust No text boxes, as appropriate.
  9. Select the default delivery method for orders placed with the vendor from the Default Delivery Method menu; X.12, Paper, Fax, Phone, Other or Email.
  10. If a discount will be applied by default for orders placed with the vendor, enter the discount amount (as a percentage) in the Default Discount text box.
  11. Enter any additional notes or comments related to the vendor in the Comment 1, Comment 2 and/or Comment 3 text boxes.
  12. If desired, you can add one or more sub-accounts for the vendor (see Adding or Editing Sub-Accounts for details).
  13. If desired, you can view a “performance summary” for an existing vendor (see Viewing Vendor Performance for details).
  14. When all desired information for the vendor has been entered or edited, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The system returns to the Vendor Lookup screen.