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Adding or Editing a Library Profile

You can add a profile for a new branch or edit the profile for an existing branch.

NOTE: Unless stated otherwise, all fields are optional.

To add a new library profile:

  1. Click the Add New Library Profile link on the Library Profile screen (see Library Profiles Maintenance for details).
    • The Maintain a Library Profile screen displays.

Maintain a Library Profile Screen

Maintain a Library Profile Screen

  1. Enter the name of the library and the library code assigned by Auto-Graphics for the library in the Library Name and Library Code text boxes.

    NOTE: The Library Name and Library Code fields are mandatory.

  2. Enter the Standard Address Number for the library in the SAN text box.
  3. Enter the street address for the library in the Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State and Zip text boxes.
  4. Enter contact information for the library in the Contact Email and Phone text boxes.
  5. Select the billing address to be used for the library from the Billing Address menu.

    NOTE: The Billing Address menu lists all currently defined billing addresses (see Billing Address for details).

  6. Enter any special instructions regarding deliveries made to the library in the Delivery Instructions text box.
  7. Select the appropriate library type for the library from the Library Type menu; Main or Central, Regional, Area, Neighborhood, Bookmobile or Department.
  8. When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The Maintain a Library Profile screen closes automatically, and the Library Profile screen refreshes to display your changes.

To edit an existing library profile:

  1. On the Library Profile screen (see Library Profiles Maintenance for details), click the Library Profile Name link for the library profile you wish to edit.
    • The Maintain a Library Profile screen displays. The screen is pre-filled with the current values for the library profile.
  2. Edit the library profile information, as appropriate, then click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The Maintain a Library Profile screen closes automatically, and the Library Profile screen refreshes to display your changes.