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Identifying the Invoice and Vendor

The Identify Invoice and Vendor screen lets you select the vendor and enter the Invoice Number for which you wish to make a payment.

Identify Invoice and Vendor Screen

Identify Invoice and Vendor Screen

To identify the invoice and vendor:

  1. Select the vendor from whom the invoice was received from the Vendor menu.
    • The Vendor menu lists all vendors defined for your system (see Vendor Maintenance for details).
  2. Enter the invoice number in the Invoice Number text box.
  3. Enter the date of the invoice in the Invoice Date text box.

    NOTE: The Current calendar date is shown in the Invoice Date text box by default.

    • Enter the Invoice Date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY”, i.e., “12/31/2014.”
    • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Invoice Date text box to select an Invoice Date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  4. Click the Submit button to continue.
    • If a matching Invoice Number does not currently exist in the database, the message “Invoice (Invoice Number) Not Found for this Vendor, Create it?” displays.
    • Click the Yes link to add the Invoice to the database. (Click the No link to cancel the Invoice and return to the Identify Invoice and Vendor screen. Make any necessary changes to the Vendor and/or Invoice Number, then click the Submit button to continue.)
  5. The Build Invoice screen displays.