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Editing, Copying and Deleting Titles

You can edit or copy a title in a Selection List, or delete a title from a Selection List.

To edit a title in the Selection List:

  1. From the Title Management screen for the desired Selection List (see Adding Titles to a Selection List for details), edit the current values for the title as desired:
    • Select the fiscal year for which the title will be ordered from the Fiscal Year menu.
      • The Fiscal Year menu lists all fiscal years for which at least one Fund Account exists (see Fund Account Maintenance for details).
    • Select the fund to be encumbered from the Fund menu.
    • Select the default material type for the title from the Material Types menu.
      • The Material Types menu lists all currently defined material types for your system. Material types are defined through the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details).
    • Select the library location for which the title will be ordered from the Location menu.
      • The Location menu lists all currently defined library locations for your system. Locations are defined through the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details).
    • Enter any notes to be included in the order to the title in the Notes text box.
    • Select the library branch for which the title will be ordered from the Branch menu.
    • Enter the number of copies of the title to be ordered in the Copies text box.
    • Enter the “per unit” price for copies of the title to be ordered in the Price text box.
    • For items added to a Selection List using Manual Entry, the Title, Author and ISBN/UPC fields are displayed in "editable" text boxes. Edit the Title, Author and ISBN/UPC fields for such items as desired.
  2. To apply default values to all titles in a Selection List, click the Apply Defaults button.

    NOTE: Default values WILL NOT overwrite specific selected values for any title.

  3. To search for existing copies of a title in other Selection Lists, currently on order, or in the catalog for your library and other libraries in your consortium, click the Search for ISBN Duplicates link for the desired title.
    • The Duplicate Check Results screen displays in an additional browser tab or window.

Duplicate Check Results Screen

Duplicate Check Results Screen

  1. When the values for all desired titles have been edited, click the Submit button to save your changes.

To copy a title in the Selection List:

To delete a title from the Selection List: