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Borrower’s ILL Status Definitions

Borrower's ILL Status Definitions



Result if No Action is Taken
Awaiting Approval Request is awaiting approval before being sent to lenders. Automatic Approval may be set by System Administration. You may respond to an Awaiting Approval request by selecting one of the following options from the Status menu:
  • Approved - Send – This option indicates the ILL request has been approved by appropriate library staff, and the request is forwarded to the specified lender(s).
    • Selecting this option sets lender’s status for this request to Pending.
    • The system automatically creates an Item Barcode (Borrower) for the requested item, using the prefix “ILL” followed by the Request Number (for example, “ILL1234”). The Item Barcode (Borrower) can be edited from the Full Record Display for the request when the item is marked as Received (see Receiving ILL Items and Updating Lender’s Status for details).
    • When Approved - Send is selected from the Borrower’s Awaiting Approval List, and the associated request(s) has an invalid lender list (the lender list is empty or contains invalid lenders), the message “One or more requests do not contain valid lenders. Those requests have not been sent.” displays. The associated request(s) remain in the Awaiting Approval status category when the update is submitted.
  • Cancel – This option indicates the ILL request is cancelled.
    • Selecting this option sets borrower’s status for this request to Cancelled.
  • Delete – This option flags the associated request for deletion. The request is deleted during midnight processing.

Stays in Awaiting Approval for 730 days.
Shipped Lender has shipped requested title to borrower. You may respond to a Shipped request by selecting one of the following options from the Status menu:
  • Received This option indicates you have received the requested material.
    • For Returnable (loan) requests, selecting this option sets borrower’s status for the ILL request to Received.
    • For Non-Returnable (copy) requests, selecting this option sets borrower’s status for the ILL request to Complete.
  • Lost – This option indicates that the item has been lost in transit before receipt and checkin.
    • Selecting this option sets lender’s status for the ILL request to Lost.
    • Depending on the standard practices and procedures for your consortium, it may be necessary to contact the lender to aid in determining the actual physical status of the associated item before designating the item as Lost.
    • IMPORTANT: In cases where an ILL item has been checked out to a patron and the patron subsequently reports the item as “lost,” DO NOT use the ILL Administration module to set the status for the item to Lost. This will result in deletion of the brief bibliographic record, the “lost item” WILL NOT be registered against the patron’s account, and fines and fees will not be properly assessed for the item.

Midnight Processing moves request to Not Received after Days to Supply has passed.
Received Borrower has received item from lender. You may respond to a Received request by selecting one of the following options from the Status menu:
  • Returned – This option indicates you have shipped the borrowed material back to the lender.
    • Selecting this option sets lender’s status for the ILL request to Returned.
  • Renewal – This option indicates you are requesting an extension of the loan of the borrowed material.
    • Selecting this option sets lender’s status for the ILL request to Renewal.
  • Lost – This option indicates that the item has been lost in transit before receipt and checkin.
    • Selecting this option sets lender’s status for the ILL request to Lost.
    • Depending on the standard practices and procedures for your consortium, it may be necessary to contact the lender to aid in determining the actual physical status of the associated item before designating the item as Lost.
    • IMPORTANT: In cases where an ILL item has been checked out to a patron and the patron subsequently reports the item as “lost,” DO NOT use the ILL Administration module to set the status for the item to Lost. This will result in deletion of the brief bibliographic record, the “lost item” WILL NOT be registered against the patron’s account, and fines and fees will not be properly assessed for the item.
Midnight Processing moves request to Not Received after Days to Supply has passed.