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Receiving ILL Items

Items supplied by lending libraries are placed in the Borrower’s Shipped status category. Once you receive an ILL item, the system automatically creates and adds temporary bibliographic and item records for the ILL item to your library’s catalog for purposes of managing and tracking circulation of the item to the requesting patron.

NOTE: If you have received material from a lender, but the lender has failed to update the status of the associated request to Shipped, you can change the status of the request to Received. See Updating Lender’s Status for details.

NOTE: When the temporary bibliographic record is retrieved as a result of searching your library’s catalog, and the Request this Item button is selected, the system displays the Display Message for Temp ILL Bib Records in OPAC message specified for your library (see Setting ILL Circulation Options for details), and the user is prevented from placing a reserve or submitting an ILL request for the item.

To receive an ILL item without changing the system assigned Item Barcode:

  1. Select Request Manager from the ILL Admin menu.
    • The Request Manager screen displays.
  2. Select the Shipped link in the Manage Borrower Requests - Action Items field.
    • The Shipped Status Browse List displays.
  3. Select Received from the Status menu, then click the Submit button.
    • The system creates a brief bibliographic record for the item.
    • The request is placed in the Borrower’s Received status category, and the item is added as a “hard” reserve to the Items Checked Out Today field on Patron Status, Checkout & Reserves screen (in the Circulation module) for the requesting patron.
    • Notification is sent to the requesting patron (using the patron’s preferred Reserve Notification Preferences as defined in the patron’s User Record) that the item is now available for pickup/checkout.
    • ILL items are checked out to the requesting patron through the Circulation module (see Checking Out an ILL Item for details).

To change the system assigned Item Barcode when receiving an ILL item:

  1. Select Request Manager from the ILL Admin menu.
    • The Request Manager screen displays.
  2. Select the Shipped link in the Manage Borrower Requests - Action Items field.
    • The Shipped Status Browse List displays.
  3. Click the Title link for the item you wish to mark as Received.
    • The Full Record for the ILL request displays.
  4. Edit the default item barcode in the Item Barcode (Borrower) field as desired.
  5. Select Received from the Status menu, then click the Submit button.
    • The system creates a brief bibliographic record for the item.
    • The request is placed in the Borrower’s Received status category, and the item is added as a “hard” reserve to the Items Checked Out Today field on Patron Status, Checkout & Reserves screen (in the Circulation module) for the requesting patron.
    • Notification is sent to the requesting patron (using the patron’s preferred Reserve Notification Preferences as defined in the patron’s User Record) that the item is now available for pickup/checkout.
    • ILL items are checked out to the requesting patron through the Circulation module (see Checking Out an ILL Item for details).