Calendar Setup
The Calendar Setup function lets you create a calendar of “normally closed” days, holidays and vacation days for your library. The Calendar Setup function lets you list all “normally closed” days, holidays and vacation days for your library for the current calendar year and following year. You can also view holidays and vacation days for the previous calendar year. VERSO uses the calendar in conjunction with Library Hours to determine due dates and times, and to calculate fines.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Keeping the calendar current is critical for the proper determination of due dates and for calculating fines. It is suggested the calendar be checked on a regular basis to ensure its accuracy.
To access the calendar:
- From the Circ Admin menu, select Circulation Parameters - Calendar Setup.
- The Library Calendar Setup screen displays.
- The Library Calendar Setup screen displays a 12-month calendar for the currently selected location and current calendar year. "Closed" days are indicated by gray shading.
- The Calendar Setup function provides two methods for entering holidays and vacation days: