Setting Hard Blocks
“Hard blocks” may be applied against a patron’s borrowing privileges in the event the patron has an excessive number of overdue checkouts or excessive fines (either actual or accrued). Additionally, a “hard block” may be set on the number of reserves a patron may have active at any given time. When a “hard block” is encountered during a check out transaction in the VERSO Circulation module, a warning screen displays. You may select to continue the checkout, or cancel the transaction and return to the previous Patron Status, Checkout & Reserves screen.
For multi-library systems, “Hard block” limits are established separately by each library in the consortium or collective. “Hard blocks” may be established separately for each patron category.
NOTE: When a “hard block” is applied against any member of a household (see the Circulation User Guide for more information), all other members of the household are also blocked.
To set “hard blocks”:
From the Circ Admin menu, select Circulation Parameters - Hard Block
- The Circulation Hardblock Limits screen displays.
- The Circulation Hardblock Limits screen lists all patron categories currently defined for your library.
- If desired, you can reconfigure, sort and filter table content (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
- If desired, you may:
- Print a copy of Circulation Hard Block Limits (see Printing Circulation Parameters for details)
- Save a copy of Circulation Hard Block Limits to your local workstation (see Saving Circulation Parameters for details)
- Email a copy of Circulation Hard Block Limits to yourself or another staff member (see Emailing Circulation Parameters for details)
- Enter the fine amount (in dollars and cents) you wish to trigger a “hard
block” in the Fine Limit text box for each patron category.
- The Fine Limit is based on the total amount due at all libraries.
A patron has $3.00 in fines at each of five libraries for a total of $15.00. Library A has a Fine Limit of $10.00; library B has a Fine Limit of $20.00. The patron would be "blocked" from checkout at library A, but would be allowed to checkout items at library B.- If you do not wish to specify a “hard block” limit for a given patron category, leave the Fine Limit text box for the category blank.
- Enter the fine amount (in dollars and cents) you wish to trigger a “hard
block” in the Accrued Overdue Fine Limit text box for each patron category.
The Accrued Overdue Fine Limit is based on the total amount accrued at all libraries.
A patron has $3.00 in accrued fines at each of five libraries for a total of $15.00. Library A has an Accrued Overdue Fine Limit of $10.00; library B has an Accrued Overdue Fine Limit of $20.00. The patron would be "blocked" from checkout at library A, but would be allowed to checkout items at library B. - If you do not wish to specify a “hard block” limit for a given patron category, leave the Accrued Overdue Fine Limit text box for the category blank.
- Enter the number of overdue checkouts you wish to trigger a “hard block”
in the Overdue Item Limit text box for each patron category.
The Overdue Item Limit is based on the total number of overdue items at all libraries.
A patron has one overdue item at each of four libraries for a total of four overdue items. Library A has an Overdue Item Limit of two items; library B has an Overdue Item Limit of six items. The patron would be "blocked" from checkout at library A, but would be allowed to checkout items at library B. - If you do not wish to specify a “hard block” limit for a given patron category, leave the Overdue Item Limit text box for the category blank.
- Enter the number of active reserves you wish to trigger a “hard block” in
the Reserve Limit text box for each patron category.
- The Reserve Limit is based on the limit defined for the Home Library with which the patron is affiliated, and is not cumulative for all libraries.
- If you do not wish to specify a “hard block” limit for a given patron category, leave the Reserve Limit text box for the category blank.
- Click the Submit button to submit your changes to “hard block” limits.
- The Circulation Hardblock Limits screen refreshes to display your changes.
- Click the Close button to close the Circulation Hardblock Limits screen and return to the Circulation Administration “Welcome” screen.