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Delete Bibs Without Items

Purpose: Deletes bibliographic records to which no items are attached from your library's database based on a cutoff date specified. Alternately, you may run a report only of bibliographic records that would be deleted.

NOTE: Depending on the size of your library’s collection, and the specific report parameters specified, it may take from several minutes to several hours or more to generate the Delete Bibs Without Items report.

Default Filename:


Delete Bibs Without Items Screen

Delete Bibs Without Items Screen

Report Parameters:

To view the Delete Bibs Without Items report:

NOTE: See Viewing and Downloading Reports to download and/or open the report for viewing

The name of the report and selected transaction type, the run date, and a summary of report parameters are shown at the top of the report. The Delete Bibs Without Items report provides the following information for each title included in the listing:

Delete Bibs Without Items Report

Delete Bibs Without Items Report