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Sending Unfilled / Retry Requests to ISSI Lenders

For libraries participating in the Inter-System Sharing Initiative (ISSI), the manner by which ILL requests are forwarded to ISSI lenders depends on the Automatically Send To ISSI Lenders option setting in the Library ISSI Configuration for your library (see Configuring Library-Level ISSI Options for details).

For any ILL Request that ends in Unfilled or Retry status where:

NOTE: In cases where the Automatically Send To ISSI Lenders option is enabled, the request is sent to ISSI lenders and the request ends in Unfilled or Retry status, selecting the Send to ISSI option from the Status menu on the Unfilled or Retry Status Browse List for the request or from the Status Options menu on the Full Record Display for the request, the system creates an ISSI Lender List containing up to 20 additional ISSI lenders holding a copy of the associated title where the ISSI configuration for the lender and borrower are in agreement, and automatically forwards the ILL Request to the first ISSI lender.

For any ILL Request that ends in Unfilled status where:

For any ILL Request that ends in Unfilled status where:

For any ILL Request that ends in Retry status where:

For any ILL Request that ends in Retry status where:

For any ILL Request that ends in Retry status where: