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Entering Shipping Policies

Shipping policies define the authorized shipping methods for materials provided through interlibrary loan.

To enter shipping policies:

  1. Click the Shipping button at the top of the Maintain Participant Record screen (see Maintaining Participant Records for details).
    • The Maintain Shipping Policy screen displays in an additional browser window.

Maintain Shipping Policy Screen

Maintain Shipping Policy Screen

  1. Indicate the authorized shipping methods for your library by selecting the appropriate response from the (Y, N) menu for each shipping method.
    • Select Y (for Yes) if use of the associated shipping method is authorized.
    • Select N (for No) if use of the associated shipping method is not authorized.
    • The default selection for the (Y, N) menu is N.
  2. Indicate the material types that may be shipped by each authorized shipping method in the associated Materials text box.
    • If all material types may be shipped by a given shipping method, enter Any in the Materials text box, or leave the text box blank.
    • Materials text cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces.
  3. When shipping policies have been entered for all listed shipping methods, click the Submit button to submit your changes to the shipping policies.
    • The message “Successfully updated Shipping Policy record!” displays.
    • Click the Close button to close the Maintain Shipping Policy browser window.