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Viewing the Response to a Reference Request

To view the response to a Reference Request:

  1. From the Shipped Status Browse List (see Chapter 3, Managing Requests for details), access the Full Record Display for the reference request.

Reference Request Full Display - Borrower

Reference Request Full Display - Borrower

NOTE: The Subject of the reference request is shown in the Title column of the Status Browse List.

  1. If the responding library provided a text message in response to the request, the text message is shown in the Response field.
  2. If the responding library provided a link to an online resource in response to the request, click the link in the Document URL field to view the online resource.
  3. If the responding library provided a document attachment in response to the request, click the Download Attachments link in the Document URL field to download the attachments (see Downloading File Attachments for details).
  4. If desired, you can print a copy of the Full Record Display to retain a record of the response (see Printing the Reference Request for details).
  5. Once the requested information has been printed and given to the patron, select Received from the Status menu, then click the Submit button.
    • The message “Request number (number) has been updated” displays at the top of the screen.
  6. Click the Go Back button or Close button to return to the Shipped Status Browse List.

NOTE: Once a reference request has been marked as Received, the status of the request is changed to Complete.