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Adding a Hotlink

You can add a new MARC tag to the Record Display Hotlinks list.

To add a new hotlink:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Record Display Hotlinks.
    • The Record Display Hotlinks screen displays.

Record Display Hotlinks Screen

Record Display Hotlinks Screen

  1. Click the Add New button.
    • The Define New Hotlink screen displays.

Define New Hotlink Screen

Define New Hotlink Screen

  1. Enter the MARC Tag you wish to serve as a hotlink in the MARC Tag text box.
  2. Identify which subfields will be used to construct the search term when the hotlink is selected by selecting the desired option from the Subfield Mapping menu:
    • All Subfields – The search term will be constructed using all subfields of the associated MARC tag.
    • Only Listed Subfields – The search term will be constructed using only those subfields listed.
    • All But Listed Subfields – The search term will be constructed using all subfields except those listed.
  3. If either the Only Listed Subfields or All But Listed Subfields option is selected in the Subfield Mapping menu, enter the appropriate subfields in the Subfields text box.
    • Enter subfields as a continuous list, with no spaces. DO NOT separate subfields with commas.

      NOTE: If the All Subfields option is selected in the Subfield Mapping menu, do not list ANY subfields in the Subfields text box.

  4. Select the appropriate hotlink type from the Type menu; either Author, Title, Subject, or Title Series.
  5. Use the Display to Staff and Display to Patron checkboxes to indicate whether the hotlink will be displayed to patrons and/or library staff when viewing Full Record Displays in the Search interface.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the hotlink will be displayed to the user.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the hotlink will not be displayed to the user.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  6. When all desired parameters have been entered for the hotlink, click the Submit button.
    • The Record Display Hotlinks screen displays, with the added hotlink shown in the listing, in proper MARC Tag sequence.

    NOTE: If you enter an invalid MARC tag in the MARC Tag text box, the message “Invalid MARC Tag” displays when you click the Submit button. Click the OK button to close the message, and enter a valid MARC tag in the MARC Tag text box.

  7. Repeat steps 2 through 8 to define additional hotlinks.