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Configuring Level 1 Searches

You can configure a Level 1 Category as a Category Only that displays a list of sub-categories when selected (see Configuring Level 1 Categories for details), or as a Search Query that performs a search of your library’s catalog.

To add a new Level 1 Search:

  1. From the Level 1 Categories screen (see Viewing Level 1 Categories for details), click the Add New Level 1 Category link.
    • The Add New Level 1 Category screen displays.

Add New Level 1 Category – Add Search Screen

Add New Level 1 Category – Add Search Screen

  1. Select the Search Query radio button.
    • The screen refreshes to display the Search Builder options.
  2. Enter a name for the search in the Category Name text box.
    • The Category Name may be a maximum of 30 characters, including spaces.
  3. Select a graphic icon for the search:
    • To use a stock image: Select the desired image from the Select Stock Image menu.
      • The screen refreshes to display the selected image.
    • To use a custom image: Click the Browse button to locate the desired file.
      • A standard File Upload dialog displays. Locate the desired file, then click the Open button on the File Upload dialog. The file name of the selected file is displayed next to the Browse button. Click the Upload… link to upload the file. A thumbnail of the uploaded image file displays below the upload button.

      NOTE: When you upload a custom image, the Select Stock Image selection is ignored.

      • If you wish to remove the uploaded image from the Level 1 Category, click the Remove link.
  4. Use the Search Builder to configure your “search query:”
    • Enter the subjects(s) for the first term in your “search query” in the first Subject = text box (see Entering Search Terms for details).
    • Select AND, OR or NOT from the “Boolean operators” menu to set the logical function between the first search term and the second search term.
    • Enter the second term of your "search query", as appropriate, in the second Subject = text box.
    • Use the Material Types checkboxes to limit search results to only those items of the specified material types.

      NOTE: The Material Types field includes checkboxes for all currently active material types defined for your library through the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details).

      • A checkmark checkmark indicates items of the associated material type will be included in search results.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates items of the associated material type will not be included in search results.
      • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: If you do not wish to limit the search results by material type, leave all Material Types checkboxes unselected.

    • If desired, use the Scoping Level menu to limit the search to a specified subset of locations within your system.
      • The Scoping Level menu lists all scoping levels defined for your library (see Chapter 2, SCOPING for details).

      NOTE: If you do not wish to limit the search to a specified Scoping Level, select All Libraries from the Scoping Level menu.

  5. If desired, click the Preview Search button to view the search results for the currently specified search parameters.
    • The Add New Level 1 Category screen refreshes with the search results shown at the bottom of the screen.
  6. When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to save the new Level 1 Search.
    • The Add New Level 1 Category screen closes, and the Level 1 Categories screen refreshes to display the new category.

NOTE: If you omit required information, an advisory message displays next to the omitted field on the Add New Level 1 Category screen. Enter the required information, then click the Submit button to save the new search.

To edit an existing Level 1 Search:

  1. From the Level 1 Categories screen (see Viewing Level 1 Categories for details), click the Category Name link for the search you wish to edit.
    • The Edit Level 1 Category screen displays.

Edit Level 1 Category – Edit Search Screen

Edit Level 1 Category – Edit Search Screen

  1. Edit the current Category Name, as desired.
  2. If desired, edit the graphic icon for the category using the Change Stock Image or Upload Image options.
  3. Enter or edit the “search query,” Material Types and/or Scoping Level parameters as desired.
  4. If desired, click the Preview Search button to view the search results for the currently specified search parameters.
    • The Edit Level 1 Category screen refreshes with the search results shown at the bottom of the screen.
  5. When all desired changes have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes to the search.
    • The Edit Level 1 Category screen closes, and the Level 1 Categories screen refreshes to reflect your changes.

NOTE: If you omit required information, an advisory message displays next to the omitted field on the Edit Level 1 Category screen. Enter the required information, then click the Submit button to save the new search.

To delete an existing Level 1 Search:

  1. From the Level 1 Categories screen (see Viewing Level 1 Categories for details), click the Delete link for the search you wish to delete.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Continue to Delete this search?”
  2. Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to complete the deletion. (Click the Cancel button on the confirmation dialog to cancel the deletion and retain the search.)
    • The Level 1 Categories screen refreshes with the selected search removed from the list.