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Defining NCIP Site Alerts

The Define NCIP Status Check function lets you configure a recurring status check of one or more selected NCIP sites. Alerts returned by this function are forwarded to one or more specified email addresses.

To define NCIP site alerts:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Define NCIP Status Check.
    • The Define NCIP Site Alerts screen displays.

Define NCIP Site Alerts Screen

Define NCIP Site Alerts Screen

  1. Use the Test This Site checkboxes to select the sites to which the status check will be sent.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates a status check will be sent to the associated site.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates a status check will not be sent to the associated site.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  2. For each selected site, enter the Test Barcode and Test Pin to be submitted to the site.
  3. Select the frequency at which the status of NCIP sites will be tested from the Search Interval menu.
    • The default Search Interval is Every 60 minutes.

    NOTE: Select None from the Search Interval menu to effectively suspend the status check while retaining all current Test This Site selections.

  4. Enter the email address(es) to which alert notifications will be sent in the Send Alerts To text box.
    • Separate multiple email addresses using commas without spaces.
  5. Click the Submit button to save your changes.