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Downloading Unmapped Z39.50 Target Locations

The New Z39.50 Locations lets you download a list (in Microsoft Excel format) of new (unmapped) Z39.50 targets defined during a specified time period for your consortium or collective.

To download the unmapped Z39.50 target list:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select New Z39.50 Locations.
    • The Z39.50 Target Unmapped Location Download screen displays.

Z39.50 Target Unmapped Location Download Screen

Z39.50 Target Unmapped Location Download Screen

  1. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the report period.
    • Enter the Start Date and End Date using the format “mm/dd/yyyy”, i.e., “03/10/2018.”

    NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the Start Date and End Date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the Start Date and End Date.

    • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Start Date or End Date text box to select a Start Date or End Date using the Date Entry Calendar  (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
    • To download a list of all unmapped locations regardless of when the locations were added to the system, leave the Start Date and End Date text boxes blank.
  2. Click the Submit button.
    • A File Download dialog displays.
  3. Download the file using the standard procedures for your web browser.

    NOTE: Be sure to retain the .xlsx extension at the end of the file name.