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Defining Resources for a Resource Group

You can select the specific set of resources that will be available to a given resource group.

To define resources for a resource group:

  1. From the Define Resource Groups screen (see Editing a Resource Group for details), click the Resources link for the resource group for which you wish to define resources.
    • The Available Search Sources screen displays in an additional browser window.

Available Search Sources Screen

Available Search Sources Screen

  1. If desired, use the Show menu to show only those search sources of a selected type and/or usage; either Selected Search Sources Only, Z39.50 Search Sources Only, Reference Sources Only or WebLink Sources Only (select All Search Sources from the Show menu to view all available search sources).
    • The Available Search Sources screen refreshes to display the appropriate search sources.
  2. Use the Include In (resource group) checkboxes to select the resources you wish to define for the resource group.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated resource will be available to the resource group.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated resource will not be available to the resource group.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: If you select a library that is currently associated with a Resource Group, an advisory dialog displays the message “This library is currently associated with group (resource group).” Click the OK button to close the dialog and return to the Libraries screen.

  3. When all desired resources have been selected, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The Available Search Sources screen refreshes to display your changes.
    • If desired, you can change the name of any resource currently defined for the selected Resource Group (see Changing a Resource Name for a Resource Group for details).
  4. Click the Back button to close the Available Search Sources screen and return to the Define Resource Groups screen.