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Changing a Resource Name for a Resource Group

You can change a display name for a resource available to a given resource group. The new display name will show on the Resources menu (available through the Search interface) and on the Search Resources, Define/Maintain Scoping Levels and Define/Maintain Location Headings screens (in PAC Administration) for all libraries associated with the selected resource group.

To change a Resource name for a resource group:

  1. From the Define Resource Groups screen (see Editing a Resource Group for details), click the Resources link for the Resource Group for which you wish to change a resource name.
    • The Available Search Sources screen for the selected Resource Group displays in an additional browser window. A checkmark checkmark is shown next to the name of each resource currently defined for the associated Resource Group (see Defining Resources for a Resource Group for details).

Resource Name Definition Screen

Resource Name Definition Screen

  1. Click the Name of the resource you wish to change.
    • The screen refreshes to display the Resource Name Definition screen for the selected resource.
    • The Resource Name field shows the currently defined name of the associated resource for the currently selected Resource Group. The Public Resource Name field shows the name of the resource as defined on the Public Search Resources screen (see Viewing System-Wide Resources for details).
  2. Edit the Resource Name as desired, then click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The screen returns to the Available Search Sources screen, with your changes to the resource name shown in the list.
  3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to change the Resource Name for additional resources.
  4. When the Resource Name for all desired resources have been changed, click the Back button on the Available Search Sources screen to return to the Define Resource Groups screen.