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Modifying a Library's Search Sources

You can modify the available search sources for any library within a consortium or collective.

To select a library for modification:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Modify a Library's Available Search Sources.
    • The Select Library Resource screen displays.

Selected Library Resource Maintenance Screen

Selected Library Resource Maintenance Screen

  1. Select the library for which you wish to modify search sources from the Please select the library you wish to modify menu.
    • The menu lists all libraries in your consortium or collective, in alphabetic order, by library name.
  2. Click the Submit button.
    • The Search Resources screen for the selected library displays.
  3. From the Search Resources screen, you may choose to:
    • Configure the Resources menu
      • Select the search sources you wish to include in the Resources menu, and assign them to the appropriate user level
      • Enter authentication information for search sources requiring Library Authentication
      • Assign selected search sources to one or more source headings
      • Configure the default search sources
      • Arrange the sort order of source headings in the Resources menu
      • Arrange the sort order of search sources within each source heading
      • Add additional source headings
    • Edit the definition for an existing local-level Z39.50 search source
    • Edit the definition for an existing local-level web link
    • Add, edit and delete resource notes for existing local-level search sources

NOTE: Refer to Managing Resources for procedures to modify search sources.