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Replicating Search Sources

You can configure the search sources for one or more libraries within your consortium or collective based on the current search sources configuration for a selected library. Three Replication Type options are available:

Any search sources defined at the local level by libraries selected for replication are retained, and are placed under the first heading in the Resources menu.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you replicate Search Sources for a given “target” library, favorite search sources set by authenticated users via the My Favorite Search Sources function are overwritten by the default Search Sources specified for the replication “source” library.

To replicate all search sources:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Replicate Search Sources.
    • The Resource Replication Maintenance screen displays.

Resource Replication Maintenance Screen

Resource Replication Maintenance Screen

  1. Select the library on which you wish to base replication from the Please select a source library on which to base the replication menu.
    • The menu contains a listing of all libraries within your consortium or collective, in alphabetic order, by library name.
  2. Select the library or libraries you wish to be replicated from the Please select one or more target libraries to be replicated menu.
    • The menu contains a listing of all libraries within your consortium or collective, in alphabetic order, by library name.

      NOTE: For libraries utilizing the optional Resource Groups feature (see Modifying Resource Groups for details), libraries shown on the Resource Replication Maintenance screen are prefixed with the name of the Resource Group with which they are associated. Libraries that have not been assigned to a Resource Group are prefixed with the notation “Group Not Defined.”

    • To select several contiguous libraries from the list, click and hold the left-hand mouse button on the first desired lender, then drag through the list to the last desired lender.
    • To select several non-contiguous libraries from the list, hold down the Ctrl key, then click each desired library.

    NOTE: When replicating multiple libraries, it is recommended that you select 20 or fewer libraries at a time.

  3. Select the desired Replication Type for “target” libraries:
    • Select Retain existing settings for target libraries. (Excludes Guest and Patron Records) to retain local preferences (Default Search Sources, Display For settings, default "patron/patron" and "guest/guest" user records) defined at “target” libraries.

      NOTE: Public Resources defined for the replication “source” library, but not currently selected by “target” libraries are added to the “target” with the preferences defined for the “source” library selected by default.

    • Select Always use source library settings. (Includes Guest and Patron Records) to overwrite local preferences (Default Search Sources, Display For settings, default "patron/patron" and "guest/guest" user records) for “target” libraries with the preferences defined for the replication “source” library.

      NOTE: When you select the Always use source library settings (Includes Guest and Patron Records) radio button, a confirmation dialog displays. This option will overwrite all local preferences (with the exception of locally defined search sources and local authentication information for Public Search Sources) with the setting specified for the “source” library. Be sure you wish to overwrite local preferences when selecting this option. Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to continue.

    NOTE: In both cases, any search sources defined at the local level by libraries selected for replication will be retained, and placed under the first heading in the Resources menu.

  4. When all desired libraries have been selected, click the Submit button to submit the replication request.
    • A progress indicator displays the message “Please wait…” while replication is in progress.

      NOTE: Depending on the size of the Resources list in the library to be replicated, and the number of libraries selected for replication, it may take from several minutes to more than an hour for replication to complete.

  5. When replication is complete, a REPLICATION RESULTS screen displays the message "(library) successfully replicated" for each library selected for replication.

To replicate a single, selected search source:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), select Replicate Search Sources.
    • The Resource Replication Maintenance screen displays.
  2. Select the library on which you wish to base replication from the Please select a source library on which to base the replication menu.
    • The menu contains a listing of all libraries within your consortium or collective, in alphabetic order, by library name.
  3. Select the library or libraries you wish to be replicated from the Please select one or more target libraries to be replicated menu.
    • The menu contains a listing of all libraries within your consortium or collective, in alphabetic order, by library name.

      NOTE: For libraries utilizing the optional Resource Groups feature (see Modifying Resource Groups for details), libraries shown on the Resource Replication Maintenance screen are prefixed with the name of the Resource Group with which they are associated. Libraries that have not been assigned to a Resource Group are prefixed with the notation “Type Not Defined.”

    • To select several contiguous libraries from the list, click and hold the left-hand mouse button on the first desired lender, then drag through the list to the last desired lender.
    • To select several non-contiguous libraries from the list, hold down the Ctrl key, then click each desired library.

    NOTE: When replicating multiple libraries, it is recommended that you select 20 or fewer libraries at a time.

  4. Select the Replication Type – Single Database Only radio button.
  5. Click the Submit button to submit the replication request.
    • A progress indicator displays the message “Please wait…” while the request is processed.
    • When processing is complete, the Single Database Replication screen displays.

Single Database Replication Screen

Single Database Replication Screen

  1. Use the Please select action to be taken radio buttons to select the desired action to be taken.
    • Select the Add radio button to add the search resource to the selected target libraries.
    • Select the Delete radio button to remove the search resource from the selected target libraries.
  2. Select the search resource for which you wish to perform the selected action from the Please select the database on which to take the action menu.

    NOTE: When performing an Add transaction, you must select a database prefixed with <*>.

  3. When performing an Add transaction, if the search resource being added requires library authentication, select the source for authentication information from the If adding a library authenticated database, please use the authentication information from menu.
  4. When all necessary information has been entered, click the Submit button to submit the replication request.
    • A progress indicator displays the message “Please wait…” while replication is in progress.
  5. When replication is complete, a REPLICATION RESULTS screen displays.
    • For Add transactions:
      • The confirmation message "Database (name) has been Added to the following library(s): (library name(s))" displays.
    • For Delete transactions:
      • A confirmation dialog displays. Click the OK button to complete the deletion. (Click the Cancel button to close the confirmation dialog and cancel the deletion).
      • The confirmation message "Database (name) has been removed from the following library(s): (library name(s))" displays.