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Selecting Library Search Indexes

The Select Search Indexes function (see Selecting Search Indexes for details) sets the default parameters for search indexes for all libraries within a consortium. The Select Library Search Indexes function lets you override the default search index parameters. You can configure the specific search indexes available through the indexes (in) menus in the Search module according to search type (Quick, Advanced) and user type (guest, patron, staff). You can also specify the label (name) applied to each search index according to user type and the sequence (applied to all user types) in which indexes are listed in the indexes (in) menus. Once you have overridden the default search index parameters, any subsequent changes to the default values are not applied to your library unless specifically overridden by the Customer SuperUser when making changes to search index selections using the Select Search Indexes function (see Selecting Search Indexes for details).

NOTE: The Select Library Search Indexes function is available to PAC Staff, Library SuperUsers and Customer SuperUsers. Changes made to search indexes are applied to your library only.

To configure library search indexes:

  1. From the PAC Admin menu (see The PAC Admin Menu for details), choose Select Library Search Indexes.
    • The Select Library Search Indexes screen displays. The screen shows a listing of all search indexes defined for your system.

Select Library Search Indexes Screen

Select Library Search Indexes Screen

  1. Select the search type for which you wish to configure search indexes from the Select Library Search Indexes menu; Keyword Indexes (for Quick Search) or Advanced Indexes.
  2. Use the Seq (sequence) text boxes to specify the order in which indexes are listed in the “search index” menu for Quick search, or in the in menus for Advanced Search.

    NOTE: The Seq value specified is applied to all user types (Guest, Patron, Staff).

    • You can enter any number from “1” to “9999999999” as a display sequence number.
    • You can enter a unique display sequence number for each index, or, you can use the same display sequence number for multiple indexes.

      NOTE: If the same display sequence number is used for more than one index, the associated indexes are displayed in alphabetic order according to the system-defined Name of the index.

    • You can enter display sequence numbers in numeric order (1, 2, 3, etc.), or, you can skip numbers (10, 20, 30, etc.) to allow for easier re-sequencing of the list.

    NOTE: You must enter a display sequence number for all listed indexes. If you do not enter a display sequence number for a given index, the display sequence value for the index will revert to its prior Seq value when you submit your changes.

  3. Use the Guest (index), Patron (index) and Staff (index) checkboxes to configure search indexes for each user type for the currently specified search type.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated index is available to the user type for the currently specified search type.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated index is not available to the user type for the currently specified search type.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  4. Use the Guest (index), Patron (index) and Staff (index) text boxes to specify the labels for search indexes for each user type for the currently specified search type.
  5. When all desired selections have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes to search indexes.
    • The message “Completed !” displays at the top of the screen.
  6. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to configure search indexes for additional search types.

NOTE: Initially, search index parameters specified using the Select Search Indexes function (see Selecting Search Indexes for details) are applied to all libraries within a consortium. Once an individual library has chosen to override the default settings using the Select Library Search Indexes function, subsequent changes made to default search index parameters are applied to the overriding library only when specified using the Replicate label changes to local libraries and Replicate sequence changes to local libraries options available through the Select Search Indexes function.