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Exporting MARC Records

The MARC Export function lets you output a MARC records file for titles in your library's database. You may select to output MARC records for all titles in your library's database, or for a subset of titles based on the date added/edited, location or materials type. You can also choose to generate item records for each MARC record exported.

To output a MARC records file:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select MARC Export - Export Admin.
    • The Scheduled MARC Export Runs screen displays. The screen shows a listing of scheduled, in-process, and completed MARC exports, listed in reverse chronological order (most recent date first) by date Run ID.

Scheduled MARC Export Runs Screen

Scheduled MARC Export Runs Screen

  1. Click the New button.
    • The MARC Export Run Configuration screen displays in an additional browser window.

MARC Export Run Configuration Screen

MARC Export Run Configuration Screen

NOTE: You may select to output MARC records for all titles in your library's database, or for a subset of titles based on the date added/edited, location and/or material type. When the export has completed, the Run ID serves as a link to download the exported MARC records file.

  1. Use the For CollectionHQ checkbox to indicate whether or not the export file will be used for submission to CollectionHQ.

    NOTE: The For CollectionHQ field is optional, and may not be shown for all systems.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates that the export file will be used for submission to CollectionHQ.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that the export file will not be used for submission to CollectionHQ.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: When the For CollectionHQ checkbox is selected, all other fields on the MARC Export Run Configuration screen are suppressed.

  2. Select the desired Item Options:
    • If you wish item records to be generated for each exported MARC record, select the desired item generation setup (see Entering and Editing Export Item Generation Parameters for details) from the Holds Mapping to use menu.
      • If you do not wish item records to be generated, select None from the Holds Mapping to use menu.
    • If you wish to Retain OCLC Control Number (ocm, ocn or ocl) from Tag 001 in exported records, select the associated checkbox. If you wish to Retain all data from Tag 001 in exported records, select the associated checkbox.

      NOTE: The Retain OCLC Control Number (ocm, ocn or ocl) from Tag 001 checkbox and Retain all data from Tag 001 checkbox are mutually exclusive.

      • A checkmark checkmark indicates that the associated data will be included in exported records.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that the associated data will not be included in exported records.
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • If either the Retain OCLC Control Number (ocm, ocn or ocl) from Tag 001 or the Retain all data from Tag 001 option is selected, enter the MARC tag you wish to contain the specified data in the exported records in the Move OCLC Control Number/data from Tag 001 content to Tag text box.
  3. Select the desired Select Type radio button, and enter selection criteria as appropriate, for the MARC records you wish to export:

    NOTE: You may select only one Select Type radio button.

    • All Records (radio button)- Exports all MARC records contained in your library's database.
    • Bib Record Date Added/Edited (radio button) - Limits MARC record export to records where the bibliographic record (including any associated item records) was added or edited within a specified date range. If the Bib Record Date Added/Edited radio button is selected, enter the desired date range in the Start Date and Stop Date text boxes.
      • Start Date (text box) - determines the starting date of the period for which MARC records will be exported when the Bib Record Date Added/Edited radio button is selected; click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to select the desired Start Date (see the System Basics User Guide for details.
      • Stop Date (text box) - determines the ending date of the period for which MARC records will be exported when the Bib Record Date Added/Edited radio button is selected; click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to select the desired Stop Date (see the System Basics User Guide for details.
    • A-G Control Number (radio button) - Limits MARC record export to records where the A-G Control Number for the bibliographic record falls within a specified range. If the A-G Control Number radio button is selected, enter the desired range of A-G Control Numbers in the Start A-G Control Number and End A-G Control Number text boxes.
      • Start A-G Control Number (text box) - determines the starting number for the range of A-G Control Numbers for which MARC records will be exported when the A-G Control Number radio button is selected; enter a complete A-G Control Number.
      • End A-G Control Number (text box) - determines the ending number for the range of A-G Control Numbers for which MARC records will be exported when the A-G Control Number radio button is selected; enter a complete A-G Control Number.
    • Item Date Added/Edited (radio button) - Limits MARC record export to records where the item record was added or edited within a specified date range. If the Item Date Added/Edited radio button is selected, enter the desired date range in the Start Date and Stop Date text boxes.
      • Start Date (text box) - determines the starting date of the period for which MARC records will be exported when the Item Date Added/Edited radio button is selected; click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to select the desired Start Date (see the System Basics User Guide for details.
      • Stop Date (text box) - determines the ending date of the period for which MARC records will be exported when the Item Date Added/Edited radio button is selected; click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to select the desired Stop Date (see the System Basics User Guide for details.
      • Indicate whether you wish to Include Records with Circ activity in the export file by selecting Yes or No from the associated drop-down menu.
      • Indicate whether you wish to Include Item Transfers and status changes in the export file by selecting Yes or No from the associated drop-down menu.
      • Indicate whether you wish to Include Records with Holds Placed in the export file by selecting Yes or No from the associated drop-down menu.
    • Includes – Location (drop-down menu) - Determines the location/collection for which MARC records will be exported; select All to export records for all locations, or, select the desired location/collection from the options provided.

      NOTE: The Includes – Location menu lists all locations/collections currently defined for your library. Locations/collection are defined by your Library Administrator.

    • Includes – Material Type (radio button) - Determines the material type for which MARC records will be exported; select All to export records of all material types, or, select the desired material type from the options provided.

      NOTE: The Includes – Material Type menu lists all material types currently defined for your library. Material types are defined by your Library Administrator.

  4. When your desired selections have been made, click the Submit button to export the MARC records.
    • The MARC Export Run Configuration screen closes automatically, and the Scheduled MARC Export Runs screen refreshes with the new export file shown at the top of the list.