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Setting MARC Load Defaults

The Set MARC Load Defaults function lets you configure the default values to be used when importing a MARC record file. Once configured, the specified default values are automatically entered in the Bib Tool Run Configuration screen during MARC import, allowing “single click” upload of the MARC record file.

To set MARC load defaults:

  1. From the Cat Admin menu, select MARC Import - Set MARC Load Defaults.
    • The BibTool Set MARC Load Defaults screen displays. The screen shows the currently established MARC load default values.

BibTool Set MARC Load Defaults Screen

BibTool Set MARC Load Defaults Screen

  1. Enter the desired default upload configuration parameters:
    • Select the database to which the records contained in the MARC file will be uploaded from the Select database type of load menu.
      • The Select database type of load menu lists all database types configured for your system to which you may upload records.
    • If you wish the AGControlId number to be used in identifying matching records (records that exist in both the MARC file and the database to which the file will be uploaded), select the Match by AGControlId checkbox.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates records will be matched by AGControlId.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates records will not be matched by AGControlId.
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

        NOTE: The Match by AGControlId option is intended for use when replacing existing records in a VERSO database with matching records that have been updated outside the system.

    • Select the desired holdings map (item generation setup) from the Holds Mapping to use menu.
      • The Holds Mapping to use menu lists all currently defined holdings maps for your system. Holdings maps are created using the Item Generation Setup function (see Import Item Generation Setup for details).

      NOTE: If the Match by AGControlId option is selected, the Holds mapping to use menu is disabled.

    • Select the desired matching set definition to be used in identifying matching records (records that exist in both the MARC file and the database to which the file will be uploaded) from the Matching ID to use menu.
      • The Matching ID to use menu lists all currently defined matching set definitions for your system. Matching set definitions are created using the Matching Sets Admin function (see Matching Sets Administration for details).

      NOTE: If the Match by AGControlId option is selected, the Matching ID to use menu is disabled.

    • Enter the MARC tag(s) containing call number data (in the records to be uploaded) that should be used to extract call number data in the Call Number Tags text box.
      • Separate multiple tags with commas. Do not include spaces.

      NOTE: MARC tags entered in the Call Number Tags text box are used only in the event that the MARC tag specified in the Call Number field of the selected holdings map (selected from the Holds Mapping to use menu) does not contain data.

      NOTE: If the Match by AGControlId option is selected, the Call Number Tags text box is disabled.

    • Enter the MARC tag(s) containing call number data (in the records to be uploaded) that should not be used to extract call number data in the Exclude these Tags text box.

      NOTE: If the Match by AGControlId option is selected, the Exclude these Tags text box is disabled.

    • Use the Incremental Indexing checkbox to indicate whether or not uploaded records should be indexed incrementally.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates that incremental indexing is enabled (uploaded records will be indexed incrementally when uploaded).
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that incremental indexing is disabled (uploaded records will not be indexed when uploaded).
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: If you choose to disable incremental indexing, you must contact Auto-Graphics Technical Services to re-index your VERSO database in order for the uploaded records to be “visible” within the system. Incremental indexing should be disabled ONLY for uploads containing 1,500 or more records.

    • Indicate whether or not records contained in the MARC file that match existing records in your VERSO database should replace the existing records by selecting the desired option from the Always replace matched MARC records menu; either Yes or No.

      NOTE: If the Match by AGControlId option is selected, the Always replace matched MARC records menu selection is set to Yes automatically, and changes to the selection are disabled.

    • Select the desired status for uploaded records that include an item tag from the Default item status with item tag menu.
      • The Default item status with item tag menu lists all currently defined exceptions for your system.

      NOTE: If the Match by AGControlId option is selected, the Default item status with item tag menu is unavailable.

    • Select the desired status for uploaded records that do not include an item tag from the Default item status without item tag menu.
      • The Default item status without item tag menu lists all currently defined exceptions for your system.

      NOTE: If the Match by AGControlId option is selected, the Default item status without item tag menu is unavailable.

    • If you wish to update the exception date for all uploaded records for which a change in item status was made (as a result of the exceptions selected from the Default item status with item tag and Default item status without item tag menus), select the Update Exception Date checkbox.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the exception date will be updated.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that the exception date will not be updated.
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: If the Update Exception Date checkbox is selected, the date on which the records are uploaded will be used as the exception date.

      NOTE: If the Match by AGControlId option is selected, the Update Exception Date checkbox is disabled.

    • Use the Auto-Generate Barcodes checkbox to indicate whether or not the system should automatically assign barcodes to uploaded records.
      • A checkmark checkmark indicates the system will automatically assign barcodes to uploaded records.
      • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates system will not automatically assign barcodes to uploaded records.
      • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: If the Match by AGControlId option is selected, the Auto Generate Barcodes checkbox is disabled.

  2. When all desired default upload configuration parameters have been set, click the Submit button to continue.
    • The BibTool Set MARC Load Defaults screen refreshes, and the message "MARC Load Defaults Saved" displays at the top of the screen.