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Adding and Deleting Search Alerts

To add a new Search Alert:

  1. Perform a search for which you wish to create a Search Alert using Quick Search (see Quick Search for details) or Advanced Search (see Advanced Search for details), as desired.
  2. If desired, use the “filters” panel to narrow the search results (see Filtering Search Results for details).
  3. Click the Create Alert button to save your Search Alert.
    • If an email address is not present in your user record, an Email Address Required message displays.

Email Address Required Message

Email Address Required Message

  • Click the Add Email Address button to open the Your Profile screen and add an email address (see Editing Your Personal Information for details).
  • Click the Save button on the Your Profile screen to save your changes and return to the previous Search Results screen.
  • Click the Create Alert button to save your Search Alert; the Create Search Alert dialog displays.

Create Search Alert Dialog

Create Search Alert Dialog

NOTE: If you do not wish to add an email address to your user record, click the Cancel button to close the Email Address Required message and return to the Search Results screen without creating a Search Alert.)

  1. Enter a name for the Search Alert in the Search Alert Name text box.
    • The Search Alert Name may be a maximum of 30 characters, including spaces.
  2. Click the Save button to save your Search Alert. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the save operation and return to the Search Results screen.)
    • The system returns to the Search Results screen.
    • The message “Search alert added: (search alert name)” shows briefly at the bottom of the screen.
  3. If desired, click Manage on the “Search alert added” message to open the Search Alerts screen (see Viewing and Managing Search Alerts for details).

To delete an existing Search Alert: