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Batch Status Update

The Batch Status Update function lets you perform a batch update of up to 200 selected ILL requests in a single status across multiple libraries.

To perform a Batch Status Update:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select ILL Statistics – Batch Status Update.
    • The Enter Request Numbers screen displays.

Enter Request Numbers Screen

Enter Request Numbers Screen

  1. Enter the Request Numbers for the ILL requests you wish to update in the Enter Request Numbers text box.
    • You may enter up to 200 request numbers in the Enter Request Numbers text box.
    • You can enter ILL requests for one or more libraries, for one or both ILL roles (Borrower, Lender) and for one or more ILL status categories (Awaiting Approval, In Process, Shipped, etc.).

    NOTE: BE SURE to enter only one request number per line.

  2. Click the Next button to continue.

    NOTE: If you include duplicate request numbers in the Enter Request Numbers text box, an advisory message displays at the top of the screen when you click the Next button. Remove the duplicate request numbers from the Enter Request Numbers text box, then click the Next button to continue.

    • The Requests for Update screen displays. The screen shows a list of all ILL requests entered for update. Each line in the listing provides the following information:

Requests for Update Screen

Requests for Update Screen

  • Request Number – the Request Number for the ILL Request
  • Status – the current status of the request
  • Title – the Title of the requested item
  • Borrowing Library Name – the full name of the library that submitted the request to borrow the title
  • Borrowing Library Code – the code assigned to the borrowing library by Auto-Graphics
  • Lending Library Name – the full name of the library that is the current lender for the request
  • Lending Library Code – the code assigned to the lending library by Auto-Graphics

NOTE: Depending on the current status of the request, the Lending Library Name and Lending Library Code fields may be blank.

  1. Select the ILL role for which you wish to update requests from the Current Status menu; either Borrower or Lender.
    • The Current Status refreshes to display a list of current statuses for which one or more ILL requests are present in the list of requests for update for the selected ILL role.
  2. Select the radio button for the Current Status for which you wish to update requests.
    • The Desired Status field refreshes to display a list of available statuses to which the specified requests may be updated.
  3. Select the radio button for the Desired Status to which you wish to update requests.
  4. Click the Submit button.
    • A “Success” message displays briefly at the top of the screen.
  5. If desired, repeat steps 4 through 7 to update requests for additional ILL roles/statuses.
  6. Click the Cancel button on the Requests for Update screen to return to the Enter Request Numbers screen. If desired, repeat steps 2 through 7 to perform batch update of additional ILL requests.
    • Click the Cancel button on the Batch Status Update - Enter Request Numbers screen to close the screen and return to the Staff Dashboard.