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The Statistics Menu

The Statistics menu provides access to features and functions related to requesting, creating and viewing the statistical reports.

To access the Statistics Menu:

  1. Click the Staff Dashboard link on any screen in the Search interface.
    • The Staff Dashboard screen displays. The Dashboard displays all staff menus available for your user account.
  2. The Statistics menu provides access to the following options:

Statistics Menu

Statistics Menu

NOTE: Depending on the specific permissions granted to user through User Administration (see the User Administration User Guide for details), some options may not be available.

  • Batch Status Update – Performs a batch update of up to 200 selected ILL requests in a single status across multiple libraries.

NOTE: The Batch Status Update function is available to Customer SuperUsers only.

  • Database Index Stats - Provides summary information related to your library's VERSO database(s). Displayed statistics include general index statistics, qualifier statistics and locations statistics.
  • Database Field Stats - Provides general information related to the number of bibliographic and locations (holdings) record in your library’s VERSO database, and provides detailed MARC Field statistics for the entire database for your library.
  • Locations Collections - Shows the number of items in your VERSO database that are associated with a selected library, branch or collection.
  • System Activities - Provides summary information related to your library's system for a specified report period. Displayed statistics include login data, search data, ILL request data and cataloging data.
  • Statistics Report - Lets you create specialized usage Statistics reports for your library’s VERSO system.
  • Graphical Statistics Report - Lets you view summary information related to your library's system for a specified report period in a graphical format. Available statistics include login data, search data, ILL request data and cataloging data.
  • Material Types - Shows the number of items in your catalog database associated with each material type defined for your library’s system, and includes the total value of all items associated with each material type.
  1. Click the Home Home button button to return to the Search interface.