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Database Field Stats

The Database Field Stats option lets you generate detailed reports related to the bibliographic records contained in your library’s VERSO database. You may choose to view statistics for the complete database, or MARC field statistics for your library only. The report provides general information related to the number of bibliographic and locations (holdings) record in the entire database, and provides detailed MARC Field statistics for the entire database or for your library only (the library under which you logged in).

To generate a Database Field Statistics report:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select Database Statistics - Database Field Stats.
    • The Select a Database screen displays.

Select a Database Screen

Select a Database Screen

  1. Click the name of the database for which you wish to generate a statistics report.
    • The Database Field Statistics screen for the selected database displays in an additional browser window.

Database Statistics Screen

Database Statistics Screen

  1. Click the link for the statistics you wish to view.
    • The screen refreshes to display the selected statistics.
  2. The report includes the following information:
    • General Stats - shows the total number of bibliographic records in the selected database (Bib Records), the total number of locations (holdings) records (Holdings), the total number of bibliographic records to which no locations (holdings) are attached (Holderless Records) and the total of Holderless Records that include Tag 856, subfield u (Holderless Records with <856> $u).

    example of General Stats

    • MARC Field Stats - shows a listing of each MARC Tag occurring in at least one bibliographic record in the selected database, the total number of times the tag occurs in the database (Tag Occurrence) and the specific subfields (and number of times each subfield occurs) for each MARC Tag listed (Tag Content).

    example of Marc Field Stats

    • Library Holding Stats - shows a listing of libraries (by Library Code and Library Name) for which at least one holding (location) is attached to a bibliographic record in the selected database, and shows the total number of Holdings (locations) in the selected database for the associated library.

    example of Library Holdings Stats

    • MARC Field Stats for your Library - shows a listing of each MARC Tag occurring in at least one bibliographic record in the selected database to which your library has a location (holding) attached, the total number of times the tag occurs in records to which your library has a location (holding) attached (Tag Occurrence) and the specific subfields (and number of times each subfield occurs) for each MARC Tag listed (Tag Content).

    example of Marc Field Stats For Your Library

  3. If desired, click the Save button to save a copy of the Database Field Stats report to a file on a network or local workstation (see Saving the Database Field Stats Report for details).
  4. If desired, click the Email button to email a copy of the Database Field Stats report to yourself or another user (see Emailing the Database Field Stats Report for details).