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Downloading Statistics Reports

When you submit a report request, and select the Output Report To - A File for Download option, or when you submit a request to download a Daily Transaction log, the Statistics Report Download screen displays, allowing you to download the report to a file on a local computer. The report is saved as a text (.TXT) file, in tab-delimited format, for import into a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.

Statistics Report Download Screen

Statistics Report Download Screen

To download a Statistics Report:

  1. Using the right-hand mouse button, click the Download Data button.
    • A shortcut menu displays.
  2. Select the “save” option from the shortcut menu.
    • A standard Save As dialog displays, with a unique filename assigned to the file.
  3. If desired, edit the name for the file in the File name text box.

    NOTE: Be sure to retain the .txt extension at the end of the file name.

  4. Select the location in which you wish to save the report.
  5. Click the Save button to download the file.
    • Depending on your browser, a status dialog may display while the file is being downloaded. When the download is complete, a “Download Complete” message displays. Click the Close button to close the status dialog.