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Viewing the Database Index Stats Report

To view Database Stats:

  1. From the Statistics menu (see The Statistics Menu for details), select Database Statistics – Database Index Stats.
    • The Select Database screen displays.

Select a Database Screen

Select a Database Screen

  1. Click the name of the database for which you wish to generate the statistics report.
    • The Database Statistics screen for the selected database displays in an additional browser window.

Database Statistics Screen

Database Statistics Screen

  1. Click the link for the statistics you wish to view.
    • The screen refreshes to display the selected statistics.
  2. The report includes the following information:
    • General Stats - Shows the total number of bibliographic records in the selected database (Total Records), and the total number of index entries for each index (Title, Author, Subject, etc.) supported by your library's system.

    example of General Stats

    • Bibliographic Stats - Shows the total number of bibliographic records to which holdings are attached in the selected database for each library in your consortium or collective, sorted by Library Code or by Library Name (as appropriate); and the Total Bib Records for all libraries listed.

    example of Bibliographic Stats

    • Qualifier Stats - Shows a listing, by qualifier type (Language, Media, Form, etc.), of all items in the selected database associated with a given qualifier. Click the name of a listed qualifier type (e.g., Language) to view the Qualifier Stats for the selected qualifier type.

    example of Qualifier Stats