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Adding and Editing Fund Accounts

You can add, edit or delete fund accounts. You can also use the Select Fund to Copy function to base a new fund on an existing fund from a prior fiscal year.

To add a new fund account:

  1. From the Fund Accounts for Fiscal Year screen (see Fund Account Maintenance for details), click the Add Fund link.
    • The Edit Funds screen displays in an additional browser window.

Edit Funds Screen

Edit Funds Screen

  1. If desired, select an existing fund account from the Select Fund to Copy menu to base the new fund account on the values defined for the selected fund account.

    NOTE: The Select Fund to Copy menu is shown only when one or more fund accounts were defined for one or more prior fiscal years. When available, the Select Fund to Copy menu lists all fund accounts defined in all prior fiscal years for your library.

    • The screen refreshes with values taken from the existing fund account inserted in the appropriate fields.
  2. Enter a name for the fund in the Enter new Fund name text box.

    NOTE: The Enter new Fund name field is mandatory.

    NOTE: The Enter new Fund Name text box is not available when an option is selected from the Select Fund to Copy menu. The name of the new fund is taken from the name of the copied fund account.

  3. Use the Active checkbox to set the status for the fund account.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the fund account is active.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that the fund account is not active.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle the checkbox on and off.
  4. If desired, enter a description of the fund (such as the types of materials or the specific libraries for which the fund is intended to be used) in the Fund Description text box.
  5. If appropriate, enter an external fund number for the fund in the External Fund Number text box.

    NOTE: This External Fund Number field is mandatory.

  6. Specify the time period during which the fund is intended for use using the Start Date and End Date text boxes.

    NOTE: The Start Date and End Date fields are mandatory.

    • Enter the Start Date and End Date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY”, e.g., “01/01/2014.”
      • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Start Date and End Date text boxes to select a Start Date and End Date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basic User Guide for details).
  7. Enter the value at which you wish alerts to be displayed when assigning location, fund and quantity for ordered items (see Completing the Order for details) in the Alert at text box. Enter the Alert at value as a percentage of total Allocation encumbered.
  8. Enter the total amount allocated to the fund in the Allocation text box.
    • Enter the Allocation amount in “whole dollars” (e.g., 100) or “dollars and cents” (e.g., 99.50). Do not include the dollar sign “$” when entering the Allocation amount.

      NOTE: The Allocation field is mandatory.

  9. If desired, enter any notes associated with the Fund Account in the Internal Note 1 through Internal Note 3 text boxes.
  10. Select the source(s) from which the account will be funded from the funding source menus.
    • The funding source menus list all funding sources defined for the Level 1 through Level 5 fund categories using the Financial Management – Fund Categories function (see Fund Categories for details).
  11. When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to save the fund account to your library’s database.
    • The Edit Funds screen closes automatically, and the Fund Accounts for Fiscal Year screen refreshes to display the added fund.

      NOTE: If you have omitted information for a mandatory field, an advisory message displays next to the field. BE SURE information is entered in all mandatory fields, then click the Submit button to save the fund account to your library’s database.

To edit a fund account:

To clone a fund account: