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Organization of the User Guide

This User Guide is designed to provide an overview of the features and functions of VERSO Circulation, and includes the detailed procedures to perform check out and check in transactions, place item reserves, manage patrons, manage fines and fees, and view circulation statistics your VERSO system. The User Guide is divided into 7 chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1 – Getting Started. This chapter provides an overview of Circulation features and functions.

Chapter 2 – Check Out and Check In. This chapter provides the procedures to check out, renew and check in loaned items, to check the status of items in your library’s catalog, and to view current status for a patron.

Chapter 3 – Managing Patrons. This chapter provides the procedures to add, edit and delete patrons in your library’s database.

Chapter 4 – Transfers and Exceptions. This chapter provides the procedures to transfer items from one library location to another, and to change the circulating status of items in your library’s collections.

Chapter 5 – Viewing Circulation History. This chapter provides the procedures to view your library’s circulation history (check out and check ins) for a specified time period.

Chapter 6 – Working with Reserves. This chapter provides the procedures to add and delete reserves for items in your library’s collections.

Chapter 7 – Fines and Fees. This chapter provides the procedures to assess fines and fees for library services, and to process patron payment of fines and fees.