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Full Record Display

The Borrower Full Record Display provides complete bibliographic information for the material requested, including control (accession) number if the request was generated from an Auto-Graphics union catalog, and the origination, need by and deadline dates. It also provides access to the borrower’s and lender’s address information, special instructions, the ILL request history, and patron information.

The Full Record Display for any ILL request may be accessed using the Request Manager (see Using the Request Manager for details), Title Browse (see Browsing By Title for details) or Patron Browse (see Browsing By Patron for details), or by using Request Number Search (see Searching By Request Number for details).

Borrower’s Full Record Display

Borrower’s Full Record Display

NOTE: The Full Record Display may include both mandatory (system default) and optional fields. The default content and arrangement of the Full Record display is determined by the Customer SuperUser for your consortium or collective. The content and arrangement of the Full Record display for your library is determined by your Library SuperUser. Some fields may not be included in the Full Record Display for your library or consortium. Additionally, the Full Record may contain up to six “customer specified” fields specific to your library or consortium.

To view and edit the Full Record Display:

NOTE: You may modify or update any information contained in a text box on the Full Record Display by selecting and over-typing the desired information. Depending on the type of request and current Status, some fields may not be displayed or editable.

To print the Full Record Display:

NOTE: The number of lenders included on the printed request is determined by the Number of lenders to print per request value specified in the Participant Record for your library (see Chapter 6, The Participant Record for details).

  1. Click the Format to Print button.
    • An additional browser window opens, displaying the formatted ILL request.
  2. Use the standard procedures for your web browser to print the formatted ILL request.

To download the ALA Form:

To exit the Full Record Display: