Adding a Database Description
You can add a database description to a search source to provide library patrons with additional information about the search source.
NOTE: You must be logged in as a Customer SuperUser or Library SuperUser to add database descriptions to system-level resources. Library SuperUsers and PAC Staff members can add database descriptions to resources defined at the local level.
To add a database description:
- Access the Public Search Resources screen (see Viewing System-Wide Resources for details).
- In the Note column, click the Add a Note to (resource) icon
Change or Delete a Note for (resource)
, as applicable, to the right of the resource to which you wish to add a
resource note.
- The Define Resource Note screen displays in an additional browser window.
- Scroll to the Define Resource description field.
- Enter the desired text for the database description in the Description
text box. The Description can be a maximum of 256 characters,
including spaces.
NOTE: HTML is not allowed for database descriptions.
- Use the Show description as radio buttons to set the display mode
for the database description:
- Select the Mouse over text radio button to display the description as mouse-over text.
- Select the As description following the name of the resource radio button to have the description display immediately following the resource name on the Resources menu.
- When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to save the Database Description.