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Adding and Editing Web Links

The Web Links function lets you create links in the Resources menu (available through the Search interface) to web sites outside the system. You can create web links to Internet search engines (such as "Yahoo" or "Google") or to any other site of interest to your library staff or patrons. Clicking a Web Link opens the associated web site in an additional browser window.

To add a web link:

  1. From the Public Search Resources screen (see Viewing System-Wide Resources for details), click the Add WEB Link button.
    • The New Web Link Definition screen displays.

New Web Link Definition Screen

New Web Link Definition Screen

  1. Enter the complete Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the URL text box; i.e.,
  2. Enter a name for the web link in the Site Name text box.
  3. Click the Submit button to add the new web link. (Click the Back button before submitting to cancel the addition.)
    • The system returns to the Public Search Resources screen with the new web link added to the list of search sources.

To edit a web link:

  1. From the Public Search Resources screen (see Viewing System-Wide Resources for details), click the name of the web link you wish to edit.
    • The Web Link Definition screen displays. The screen is pre-filled with the current information for the associated web link.
  2. Edit the URL and Site Name for the web link, as desired, then click the Submit button to submit your changes. (Click the Back button before submitting to cancel the changes.)
    • The system returns to the Public Search Resources screen.