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Adding and Editing Z39.50 Search Sources

To add a search source:

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have the appropriate specifications for the desired Z39.50 target in order to create and add a new Z39.50 search source or to modify an existing Z39.50 search source.

  1. From the Public Search Resources screen (see Viewing System-Wide Resources for details), click the Add Z39.50 button.
    • The New Z39.50 Database Definition screen displays.

New Z39.50 Database Definition Screen

New Z39.50 Database Definition Screen

  1. If authentication is required when accessing the search source (as in the case of subscription or private databases), select the appropriate authentication type from the Authentication Type menu:
    • If authentication is not required when accessing the search source, select No Authentication from the Authentication Type menu.
  2. If Customer Authentication is selected from the Authentication Type menu, enter the appropriate authentication information in the User ID, Password and/or Group ID text boxes. This information will be used for authentication when the search source is accessed by any library within your consortium or collective.

    NOTE: Authentication information for Library Authentication must be entered at the local level (see Chapter 4, MANAGING RESOURCES for details). Authentication information for User Authentication must be entered by the library patron when a user-authenticated site is selected for searching (see the RESEARCHit Search User Guide or VERSO Search User Guide for details). It is not necessary to enter authentication information for IP Authentication.

  3. Enter the resource information for the new Z39.50 search source:
    • Enter the host domain name or IP address, as applicable, for the Z39.50 search source in the Host Domain Name text box.
    • Enter the full name of the Z39.50 search source in the Library Name text box.
    • Enter the Z39.50 search source port in the Port text box.
    • Enter the Z39.50 search source database name in the Database ID text box.
    • If the Z39.50 search source maintains a separate database for item records, enter the item database name in the Item Database ID (optional) text box.
    • If desired, enter a short name for the Z39.50 search source in the Short Name text box.
    • Enter the desired timeout period, in seconds, in the Timeout (in seconds) text box.
      • The default timeout period is 30 seconds. You may enter any value from 0 to 60 seconds.

      NOTE: The timeout period determines the length of time during which the system will attempt to establish communication with the associated search source. If communication with the search source cannot be established during this period, the search source will be skipped.

      NOTE: If a value of “0” is entered in the Timeout (in seconds) text box, the search source will be skipped.

    • Select the desired usage type for the Z39.50 search source from the Usage menu:

      NOTE: The Usage option is available to Library SuperUsers and Customer SuperUsers only when configuring system-wide search sources (see Viewing System-Wide Resources for details). Search sources added at the local level are always configured as search resources only.

      • Search Resource Only: The search source may be selectively included in the Resources menu at the local level; the search source may be searched directly via the Search interface.
      • Shelf Status Resource Only: The search source may not be included in the Resources menu at the local level; the search source may be mapped to provide shelf status for one or more libraries within the consortium or collective (see Mapping Shelf Status for details).
      • Both Search & Shelf Status: The search source may be selectively included in the Resources menu at the local-level for direct searching, and, the search source may be mapped to provide shelf status for one or more libraries within the consortium or collective (see Mapping Shelf Status for details).
    • Select the appropriate search query type from the Boolean Query Type menu (the Boolean Query Type determines the formatting of the search query submitted to the search source):
      • Simple: A simple search query is submitted with a single use attribute.
      • Advanced: An advanced search query is submitted with multiple use attributes.

      NOTE: Some Z39.50 search sources do not support the Advanced Boolean Query Type. It is recommended that the Boolean Query Type initially be set to Simple. In the event the search source returns an excessive number of inappropriate results, you may change the Boolean Query Type to Advanced to narrow the results set. However, you should perform several searches of the Z39.50 search source to determine whether or not it responds properly to the Advanced search query.

    • Select the appropriate Bath compliance level from the Bath Compliance menu; either Level 0 or Level 1.
    • Use the OPAC Fetch and Scan Type fields to set the appropriate fetch and scan options for GEAC or Dynix systems, if appropriate.

      NOTE: Contact Auto-Graphics Technical Support for information related to versions supported, and the proper settings for these fields.

  4. Click the Submit button.
    • The screen refreshes to display the Z39.50 Database Definition screen.

Z39.50 Database Definition Screen

Z39.50 Database Definition Screen

  1. Select or enter a definition for the Host System, as appropriate:
    • To select a pre-defined site definition for the Host System, click the Host System checkbox, then select the desired definition from the associated drop-down menu.
      • To view the parameters for a pre-defined site definition, select the desired definition from the drop-down menu, then click the Host System – Help button. The site definition displays in an additional browser window. (Click the Back button to close the site definition screen.)
    • To enter a definition for the Host System, click the Self Defined button; the Site Definition screen displays in an additional browser window (see Creating or Editing a Z39.50 Site Definition for details).
  2. If necessary, enter locations mapping and ILL participant information (see Mapping Locations for details) and status information definitions (see Defining Status Information for details) as appropriate.
  3. When all desired information has been entered into the site definition, click the Submit button to save your changes, then click the Back button to return to the Search Sources screen.
    • The Public Search Sources screen refreshes to display the added Z39.50 resource.

To edit a search source:

IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have the appropriate specifications for the desired Z39.50 target in order to create and add a new search source or to modify an existing search source.

  1. From the Public Search Sources screen, click the name of the Z39.50 resource you wish to edit.
    • The Z39.50 Database Definition screen displays. The screen is pre-filled with the current information for the associated Z39.50 site.
  2. Edit information as desired by following the procedures used to add a search source.