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Mapping Shelf Status

When a Z39.50 search source is configured for usage as Shelf Status Only or Both Search & Shelf Status (see Adding and Editing Z39.50 Search Sources for details), you can map the Z39.50 search source to one or more libraries (holders) within your consortium or collective to provide shelf status for the mapped institutions. When a Z39.50 search source is mapped to a local library (holder), a Shelf Status icon Shelf Status Icon displays next to the name of the library (holder) to which it is mapped in the Where To Find It field (see the RESEARCHit Search User Guide for details) on all Full Record Displays. Clicking the Shelf Status icon Shelf Status Icon displays shelf status information (retrieved from the Z39.50 search source) for the associated title in an additional browser window.

To map shelf status:

  1. On the Public Search Resources screen (see Viewing System-Wide Resources for details), select Z39.50 Shelf Status Only from the Show menu.
    • The Public Search Resources screen refreshes to display only those Z39.50 search sources configured for usage as Shelf Status Only or Both Search & Shelf Status (see Adding and Editing Z39.50 Search Sources for details).
  2. Click the Set Mapping link for the Z39.50 search source for which you wish to define shelf status mapping.
    • If multiple databases are associated with your system, the Shelf Status Mapping - Select Database screen displays in an additional browser window.
    • The Shelf Status Mapping - Select Database screen lists all union databases for your consortium or collective.

Public Search Resources Screen - Z39.50 Shelf Status Only Display

Public Search Resources Screen - Z39.50 Shelf Status Only Display

  1. Select the radio button for the database to which you wish to map the Z39.50 search source, then click the Submit button.
    • The screen refreshes to display the Shelf Status Mapping - Select Library screen.

Shelf Status Mapping - Select Library Screen

Shelf Status Mapping - Select Library Screen

  1. To map a library to the selected Z39.50 search source:
    • Select the desired library from the Highlight the library you wish to map and click on Add menu and click the Add button.
    • The selected library is added to the Highlight the library you wish to unmap and click on Delete menu.
  2. To unmap a library from the selected Z39.50 search source:
    • Select the desired library from the Highlight the library you wish to unmap and click on Delete menu and click the Delete button.
      • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure you want to delete this Library Mapping?”
    • Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog. The selected library is returned to the Highlight the library you wish to map and click on Add menu.
  3. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to map or unmap additional libraries (holders) for the current Z39.50 search source.
  4. When all desired libraries (holders) have been mapped to the current Z39.50 search source, close the Shelf Status Mapping screen.

NOTE: You can map multiple libraries (holders) to a single Z39.50 search source. You can also map multiple Z39.50 search sources to a single library (holder).